バイオフィードバック療法の臨床応用(<特集>心身医療に活かすバイオフィードバック療法) Clinical Application of Biofeedback Therapy(<Special Issue>Utility of Biofeedback Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine)
バイオフィードバック療法は多くの心身症に適応がある.治療を開始する前には,身体診察を十分に行い,患者のバイオフィードバック療法への親和性を見極めることが重要である.多くの疾患に対してバイオフィードバック療法の有用性が指摘されているが,自律訓練法や筋弛緩法などのリラクセーションの効果を高めることも知られている.問題点は,機器に費用がかかること,一人の診察に時間を要することが挙げられる.心身医学 52(2), 126-133, 2012-02-01
バイオフィードバック療法に用いる機器(<特集>心身医療に活かすバイオフィードバック療法) Devices for Biofeedback Therapy(<Special Issue>Utility of Biofeedback Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine)
西村 千秋 Nishimura Chiaki CNメディカル・リサーチ:東邦大学医学部 CN Medical Research:Toho University
A typical biofeedback device consists of sensor(s), signal amplifier, signal processor, memory unit, communication unit, display, and power supply. Each element should be suitably chosen or adjusted for a specified application. Biofeedback devices are used not only in psychosomatic medicine but also in daily life, such as stress management and mental health promotion. In the paper, biofeedback devices now available in Japan were shown and briefly discussed. In Japan the market scale of biofeedback device has been small, partly because of strict legal regulations on medical equipments and materials.
心身医学 52(2), 118-125, 2012-02-01 [この号の目次] 日本心身医学会
バイオフィードバック療法の原理と適用(<特集>心身医療に活かすバイオフィードバック療法) The Principles and Applications of Biofeedback Therapy(<Special Issue>Utility of Biofeedback Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine)
廣田 昭久 Hirota Akihisa 鎌倉女子大学児童学部子ども心理学科 Department of Child Psychology, Faculty of Child Studies, Kamakura Women's University
Biofeedback therapy is a treatment method based on the methodology of biofeedback. The essential aspect of biofeedback is the process by which information on the physiological states of an organism is returned to the organism itself. With the information gained through biofeedback, clients can learn to change their physiological responses, thereby improving their health and performance. Biofeedback is applied to many disorders and is effective for a range of health problems ; for example, in reducing blood pressure in hypertensives. EMG biofeedback is used to treat many disorders related to muscle activities, such as tension headache, spasmodic torticollis, mogigraphia, clenching behavior, incontinence, and constipation. Clinical studies indicate that thermal biofeedback may ease symptoms of migraine headache and Raynaud’s disease. Biofeedback training on respiratory resistance was shown to be effective for reducing the resistance in asthmatics. Recently, controlled studies have shown that heart rate variability biofeedback is also effective for reducing the symptoms of asthma. Heart rate variability biofeedback is also presumed to be useful for improving the function of the autonomic nervous system. A review of the treatment of seizure disorders using EEG biofeedback showed significant seizure reduction and reductions in seizure severity. EEG biofeedback (also called neurofeedback) has emerged as one of the dominant forces in the field of biofeedback. Neurofeedback is rapidly developing into one of the clinical tools for the treatment of neurobehavioral-based disorders and other problems that have a CNS origin. The main purpose of the biofeedback for psychosomatic disease is relaxation. Biofeedback for relaxation is more effective when combined with other relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive relaxation. Biofeedback adapts subjective bodily feeling to objective bodily state, and in treatment is useful for encouraging awareness of mind-body interaction.
心身医学 [巻号一覧]
心身医学 52(2), 113-117, 2012-02-01 [この号の目次] 日本心身医学会
わが国のバイオフィードバック療法の歴史(<特集>心身医療に活かすバイオフィードバック療法) The History of Biofeedback Treatment in Japan(<Special Issue>Utility of Biofeedback Therapy in Psychosomatic Medicine)
稲森 義雄 Inamori Yoshio ノートルダム清心女子大学児童学科 Department of Child Welfare, Notre Dame Seisin University
Clinical researches on biofeedback in Japan have been mainly reported at the meetings of Japanese Society of Biofeedback Research(JSBR) and Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine (JSPM). The former society, JSBR was launched as a small workshop in 1973. The number of researchers and reports on biofeedback increased rapidly in first decade has now turned flat. Looking back at the history, some dominant research groups should be highlighted, such as departments of psychosomatic medicine of Tokyo University, Toho University, and Kyusyu University. Biofeedback is frequently used to control muscle activity, brood pressure, and skin temperature. Above all, clinical effectiveness seemed to be established by the biofeedback treatment using electromyography. The causes of biofeedback providers reaching a plateau recently and application possibilities in the future were discussed.
心身医学 [巻号一覧]
心身医学 52(2), 108-112, 2012-02-01 [この号の目次] 日本心身医学会
企画セッション3 バイオフィードバックとは何か : 心理学に基づいたその定義に関する考察(バイオフィードバックの定義について考える) Organized session 3 What is biofeedback? : Consideration concerning the definition based on psychology(Definition of biofeedback)
廣田 昭久 Hirota Akihisa 鎌倉女子大学児童学部子ども心理学科 Department of Child Psychology, Faculty of Child Studies, Kamakura Women's University
バイオフィードバックは,心理学における学習理論に関する議論から生まれ,発展してきた.従来,自律系反応は古典的条件づけのみによって学習されると考えられていた.しかし,Neal E.Miller(1969)は,ラットの心拍率の増加と減少が,目的とする心拍率変化が生じた時にラットの脳に刺激を与えることにより,オペラント条件づけによって学習され得ることを示した.一方,Joe Kamiya(1969)は,アルファ波を検出すると音が提示される装置を用いることで,被験者がアルファ波状態を弁別し,アルファ波をコントロールできることを示した.通常,我々は自らの自律系反応や中枢神経系の活動を調節することができないが,これらの研究は,生理学的状態に関する情報を被験者に与えるという方法を用いることで,不随意な反応がコントロールされ得ることを示した.このような議論とその方法論がバイオフィードバックを発展させた.バイオフィードバックの本質は,生体の生理学的状態に関する情報を生体自らに返すことにある.生理学的状態に関する情報は,行動,姿勢,体重の変化,表情や顔色の変化や健康診断の結果など,様々な内容を含むものと考えることができる.バイオフィードバックに関するそのような広い定義によって,バイオフィードバックの研究分野が広がり,研究がさらに発展していくだろう.
Biofeedback developed initially from discussions on learning theories in psychology. It was originally thought that autonomic responses were learned by classical conditioning only. However, Neal E. Miller (1969) indicated that acceleration and deceleration of heart rates in rats could be learned by operant conditioning by applying stimulation to the brain when the target change in heart rate took place. Furthermore, Joe Kamiya (1969) showed that subjects could discriminate the state of alpha wave and control the wave using a device that presented a sound when alpha waves were detected. We cannot generally regulate our autonomic responses or activities of the central nervous system; however, these studies indicate that involuntary responses could be controlled using techniques in which information on physiological states is given to the subject. These discussions and methodologies have led to the development of biofeedback. The essential aspect of biofeedback is the process in which information on the physiological states of an organism is returned to the organism itself. It is possible to consider that the information on physiological states includes various contents, such as behavior, posture, changes in body weight, changes in facial expression and complexion, and results of medical checkups. Such a wide definition of biofeedback will expand the region of biofeedback research and contribute to development of this research.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 38(2), 91-94, 2011-10-25 [この号の目次] 日本バイオフィードバック学会
企画セッション1 医学の立場からみたバイオフィードバック(バイオフィードバックの定義について考える) Organized session 1 Biofeedback from a view of medicine(Definition of biofeedback)
中尾 睦宏 Nakao Mutsuhiro 帝京大学公衆衛生大学院・医学部附属病院心療内科 Teikyo Graduate School of Public Health & Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Teikyo University Hospital
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
本シンポジウムでは,「バイオフィードバック」の定義について,関連する問題と合わせて議論をした.バイオフィードバックとは,「意識にのぼらない情報を工学的な手段によって意識上にフィードバックすることにより,体内状態を意識的に調節することを可能とする技術や現象を総称したもの」である.意識にのぼらない情報とは自律神経系や内分泌機能など自覚できない生体情報を指し,そうした情報を工学的機器を用いて知覚できる形に変換して提示し,自らその生体反応の制御を試みる.最終的にはバイオフィードバック法として,身体・心理・行動的な生体反応の制御がどこまで可能か開発を進めていく.ところがバイオフィードバックが医学応用され治療法として確立されるためには,思った以上に課題が多く厳しい作業となる.体内状態を意識的に調整するためには,どのくらいの精度・情報タイムラグまでが許容できるのか,フィードバック信号提示の頻度・強度はどの程度が適当なのか,臨床で数多くの試行錯誤が必要となる.さらにその臨床効果のエビデンスを厳密に証明することが難しい.例えば,東京大学医学部附属病院心療内科では分院(現在は本院に統合・廃院)が稼動していた1980-90年代に,血圧バイオフィードバックを臨床応用できないか研究を続けていた.現在の学会理事長の野村先生が実験を重ねながら血圧バイオフィーバック装置の開発を進め,当時大学院生であった筆者が内科から高血圧患者を紹介してもらって血圧バイオフィードバック法を試みた.その結果,ランダム化比較試験により血圧バイオフィードバック療法が高血圧症の血圧降下に役立つことを証明した(Psychosom Med 59:331-338,1997).さらにメタ分析によってバイオフィードバック群と比較対照群との間の血圧降下量の差を算出し,バイオフィードバック群の方が有意に大きな効果があることを証明した(Hypertens Res 26:37-46,2003).筆者らの研究成果はそのままコクランライブラリーの専門検討委員会において基礎資料として採用され,バイオフィードバックが高血圧症の血圧低下に寄与することが国際的に認められて現在に至っている.ただしこのコクランライブラリーでは,バイオフィードバックはリラクセーション法の1つとして位置づけられており,バイオフィードバック信号を提示すること自体の特異的な意義については考慮されていない.また筆者が1998-2001年に師事したハーバード大学医学部心身医学研究所所長のベンソン先生も,最初は血圧バイオフィードバック法に取り組んでいたが,その後リラクセーション技法を臨機応変に用いるストレスマネージメント法へと治療法を切り替えている.このようにバイオフィードバックを医学の立場から考えると,リラクセーション技法との類似・相違点を明らかにすることが,1つのポイントになりそうである.
Biofeedback is defined as a group of non-pharmacological therapeutic procedures that use electronic instruments to measure, process, and provide information to patients regarding their neuromuscular and autonomic nervous system activity in the form of analogue (or binary) and visual (or auditory) signals. A recent technical improvement in biological monitoring and data processing makes biofeedback more reliable and comfortable to apply for the treatment of medical disorders. For example, our group developed an easy-to-use blood pressure biofeedback system in combination with a continuous blood pressure monitoring device and a personal computer, and reported that the system was useful in treating several forms of hypertension, including essential hypertension. As reported previously (Hypertens Res 26: 37-46, 2003), our practical experience suggests that the following points need to be thoroughly addressed in future biofeedback studies: 1. The characteristics of the therapists (e.g., age, gender, and profession) as well as the patients’ motivation and suggestibility should be assessed in order to study the therapist-patient relationship. 2. Mood states (especially anxiety, tension, and depression) should be monitored with physiological variables as treatment outcomes. 3. Biofeedback treatment and pre- and posttreatment assessment should be performed by “blinded” observers who are independent of the study. 4. It should also be documented whether subjects are blinded to the information on their group assignment. 5. Patient “habituation” and “regression to the mean” in biofeedback sessions and blood pressure measurements should be assessed and controlled. These points would help to clarify the framework of biofeedback, as well as the psychological and physiological mechanisms of biofeedback treatment.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 38(2), 83-88, 2011-10-25 [この号の目次]
東日本大震災「被災者と援助者のための,こころとからだのセルフケア」 : 精神生理学的ストレス(トラウマ)ケアの実践:自律神経バランスを自分自身で整える(緊急ワークショップ) The great east Japan earthquake “Self-care workshop for the victim and caregiver” : The psychophysiological stress (trauma) care : self-care practice for restoring autonomic nervous system balance(Urgent workshop)
竹林 直紀 Takebayashi Naoki ナチュラル心療内科クリニック:アイ・プロジェクト統合医療研究所 Natural Clinic for Holistic and Integrative medicine
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
The environmental change by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear plant accident in the east of Japan has an influence on not only the mental health but also the physical health through autonomic nervous system. “The psychophysiological stress (trauma) care” is a method of the self-care to improve a mind-body stress reaction by one-self. This is one of the mind-body interventions that can improve various mental and physical symptoms by restoring autonomic nerve system balance even if under the situation without medical facilities and medicine. This self-care approach is based on “an educational model”. This method revives stress responses of autonomic nervous system caused by disaster, using self-control techniques focusing to cognition, behavior and nutrition.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 38(2), 77-82, 2011-10-25 [この号の目次]
OP(1)-1 心身相関の気付きが乏しい頭痛患者にバイオフィードバック療法が有効であった思春期例(一般演題,第38回日本バイオフィードバック学術総会抄録集)
紺野 晃代 東邦大学医療センター大森病院心療内科 小田原 幸 東邦大学医療センター大森病院心療内科 佐谷 健一郎 東邦大学医療センター大森病院心療内科 端詰 勝敬 東邦大学医療センター大森病院心療内科 坪井 康次 東邦大学医療センター大森病院心療内科
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 38(1), 61, 2011-04-25 [この号の目次]
自律フィードバック訓練法が自律訓練法の重感・温感練習にもたらす心理・生理的特徴 : 自律訓練法初心者のアスリートを対象として Psychological and Physiological Effects of Autogenic Feedback Training on Autogenic Weight Sensation and Warmth Sensation Training : A Study of Athletes New to Autogenic Training
高井 秀明 TAKAI Hideaki 日本体育大学 Nippon Sport Science University
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
This study examined the psychological and physiological effects of autogenic feedback training (AFT) on the weight sensation and warmth sensation components of autogenic training (AT) carried out by athletes with no prior AT experience. The experimental conditions were the AT condition (closed eyes, AT weight sensation and warmth sensation training carried out on the right hand) and the AFT condition (open eyes, AT weight sensation and warmth sensation training carried out on the right hand while the athlete watches a display of his right palm captured by a thermo tracer). The psychological characteristics of the two conditions were compared using the revised edition of the Two-Dimensional Mood Scale (TDMS), participants’ subjective ratings of their motivation toward weight sensation/warmth sensation training, and subjective weight sensation/warmth sensation scores. The physiological characteristics were compared using skin temperature and skin potential level. The results revealed the following three differences between the conditions: (1) positive arousal scores on the TDMS for warmth sensation training were higher in the AFT condition; (2) subjective ratings of motivation toward warmth sensation training were higher in the AFT condition; and (3) subjective weight sensation and warmth sensation scores were higher in the AT condition. There are therefore differences in the psychological characteristics of AFT and AT. Bearing this in mind, an appropriate distinction should be made in the use of AFT and AT in athletes new to AT.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 38(1), 19-26, 2011-04-25 [この号の目次]
続報 神経因性骨盤臓器症候群(NIS)537例の治療とその成績 Therapeutic Results of 537 Cases of Neurogenic Intrapelvic Syndrome (NIS)
高野 正博 TAKANO Masahiro 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 緒方 俊二 OGATA Shunji 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 野崎 良一 NOZAKI Ryoichi 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 久野 三朗 HISANO Saburo 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 佐伯 泰愼 SAIKI Yasumitsu 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 福永 光子 FUKUNAGA Mitsuko 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 高野 正太 TAKANO Shota 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 田中 正文 TANAKA Masafumi 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 眞方 紳一郎 MAGATA Shinichiro 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 中村 寧 NAKAMURA Yasushi 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 坂田 玄太郎 SAKATA Gentaro 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital 山田 一隆 YAMADA Kazutaka 大腸肛門病センター高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
参考文献: 43件
J-STAGE 医中誌 Web CrossRef CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
陰部神経に沿って圧痛ある硬結が存在し,肛門痛,括約不全,排便障害,腹部症状,腰椎症状を訴える症例がある.これらの症候の合併率は85.1%と高く,仙骨神経と骨盤内臓神経の両者の障害が関与していることがわかり,神経因性骨盤臓器症候群(Neurogenic Intrapelvic Syndrome,NIS)と名付けた. この症候群と診断した537例に,病態に応じて,肛門痛には主としてブロック療法,括約不全にはバイオフィードバック療法,腸管の運動不全には薬物療法,神経障害には理学療法と運動療法,また症候群に附随する精神障害には心理療法を組み合わせて治療した. その結果,肛門痛74.2%,括約不全83.3%,排便障害78.1%,腹部症状81.5%,腰椎症状66.0%で症状が改善し,これらの治療法は治療効果が高率に得られる適切なものであると判断した.多症候を有する症例でもそれぞれの病態に対する治療法を組み合わせ,総合的な治療を加え行うことによって高い効果が得られた.
There are cases with tender induration along the pudendal nerve which exhibit disorders such as anal pain, incontinence, defecatory disturbances, abdominal symptoms, and lumbar spine symptoms. Their combination rates with other disorders are as high as 85.1% and the phenomenon is understood to be caused by dysfunctions of the sacral nerve and the intrapelvic splanchnic nerve, which led us to label this syndrome, “Neurogenic Intrapelvic Syndrome (NIS)”. For treating disorders of this syndrome, nerve block was mainly used for anal pain, biofeedback therapy for incontinence and defecatory disturbances, pharmacological treatment for motility of the digestive tract, and physical and kinetic therapies for nerve dysfunctions and spinal disorders. Moreover, counseling was used for the mental disorders that accompany this syndrome. As a result, there was a 74% improvement in anal pain, 83% in incontinence, 78% in defecatory disturbances, 81% in abdominal symptoms, and 60% in lumbar spine symptoms. Therefore, we evaluated these treatments as having high efficacy rates and the combined treatments were effective for the syndrome with multiple disorders. In summary, significant results were achieved through a combination of therapeutic methods directed at the disorders of this syndrome.
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 64(4), 201-213, 2011-04-01
心拍変動を用いた不安の自律神経機能評価について On The Autonomic Function Evaluation of Anxiety Using Heart Rate Variability
井川 純一 IGAWA Junichi 広島修道大学大学院人文科学研究科 Graduate school of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hiroshima Shudo University 志和 資朗 SHIWA Shiro 広島修道大学人文学部 Hiroshima Shudo University 中西 大輔 NAKANISHI Daisuke 広島修道大学人文学部 Hiroshima Shudo University 車地 未帆 KURUMAJI Miho いでしたクリニック Ideshita Clinic 菊本 修 KIKUMOTO Osamu いでしたクリニック Ideshita Clinic 井手下 久登 IDESHITA Hisato いでしたクリニック Ideshita Clinic
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
不安状態における自律神経機能を客観的に評価する目的で,指尖脈波を用いた心拍変動の分析を行った.対象は,不安状態を主訴に治療中の患者25名(男性6名,女性19名,平均年齢47.7歳).対照群33名(男性6名,女性27名,平均年齢48.7歳)であった.脈波測定装置を用いて低周波(Low Frequency:LF)成分および高周波(High Frequency:HF)成分を抽出し,LF/HFを交感神経,HFを副交感神経指標とした.心理指標としてはSTAIの状態不安と特性不安を測定した.不安群が対照群に比べ,副交感神経指標(HF)が低下する傾向が見られた.また,STAIと生理指標では,特性不安と副交感神経指標(HF)との間に有意な負の相関が認められた.以上のことから,不安状態における自律神経機能は,副交感神経指標(HF)によって客観的に評価できる可能性が示唆された.
This study focuses on heart rate variability to evaluate the autonomic nervous function of patients with anxiety (19 female and 6 male patients with an average age of 47.7 years). We measured the low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) components of heart rate variability using finger plethysmography. LF/HF was assumed to represent the activity of sympathetic nerves while HF was assumed to represent the parasympathetic activity. The results showed that the parasympathetic activity was lower among the patients than in the control group (27 females and 6 males with an average age of 48.7 years). The results also indicated a significantly negative correlation between trait anxiety (of STAI) and parasympathetic activity. These results support the use of parasympathetic activity, indexed as the HF component of the heart rate variability, in the objective evaluation of the autonomic nervous function of patients with anxiety.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 37(2), 97-103, 2010-10-25 [この号の目次]
顎口腔系のEMGバイオフィードバックを探る Application of Electromyogram biofeedback in Stomatognathic System
石橋 寛二 ISHIBASHI Kanji 岩手医科大学歯学部歯科補綴学講座冠橋義歯補綴学分野
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 37(2), 77-83, 2010-10-25 [この号の目次]
片頭痛に対する心身医学的診療(<特集>頭痛の心身医学) Psychosomatic Approach for Migraine(<Special Issue>A Psychosomatic Study of Headache)
端詰 勝敬 Hashizume Masahiro 東邦大学医学部心身医学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University 坪井 康次 Tsuboi Koji
参考文献: 23件
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
Psychological stress is also regarded as a trigger and an exacerbation factor for migraine. The high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, such as major depression and panic disorder, were observed in the patients with migraine. In clinical management for migraine, it is important to assess physical and psychological factors. Psychiatric comorbidity must be considered in the pharmacological treatment for migraine. Behavioral interventions (cognitive-behavioral therapy, biofeedback, autogenic training and stress-management) were effective for management of migraine.
心身医学 [巻号一覧]
心身医学 50(9), 805-810, 2010-09-01 [この号の目次]
WS2-4 「内気功法」は中国古来のセルフ・リラクセーション法です(ワークショップ,第37回日本バイオフィードバック学術総会抄録集)
有城 幸男 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 楊 震傑 楊鍼灸治療院
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 190, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
WS2-2 アロマセラピー(ワークショップ,第37回日本バイオフィードバック学術総会抄録集)
相原 由花 (株)ホリスティックケアジャパン:関西医科大学心療内科学講座
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 189-190, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
WS2-1 自律訓練法(ワークショップ,第37回日本バイオフィードバック学術総会抄録集)
佐藤 安子 京都文教大学臨床心理学部臨床心理学科
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 189, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
WS1-3 バイオフィードバックと瞑想(ワークショップ,第37回日本バイオフィードバック学術総会抄録集)
土井 麻里 関西医科大学心療内科学講座
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 189, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
WS1-2 バイオフィードバックと認知行動療法(ワークショップ,第37回日本バイオフィードバック学術総会抄録集)
水野 泰行 関西医科大学心療内科学講座
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 188-189, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
WS1-1 ヨーガ(ワークショップ,第37回日本バイオフィードバック学術総会抄録集)
山本 和美 洛西ニュータウン病院:関西医科大学心療内科学講座
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 188, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
安静時における心拍音の傾聴がもたらす心理・生理的変化 The Psychological and Physiological Changes to Heartbeat-listening While in a Resting State
高井 秀明 TAKAI Hideaki 日本体育大学大学院体育科学研究科 Graduate School of Health and Sport Science, Nippon Sport Science University
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本研究では,安静時における心拍音の傾聴が心理・生理的変化に及ぼす影響について検討した.本研究は2つの実験から構成され,実験1では心拍音傾聴条件(閉眼状態で心拍音を傾聴する状態)の影響を,実験2ではメトロノーム音傾聴条件(閉眼状態でメトロノーム音を傾聴する状態)の影響を統制条件(閉眼状態で心拍音とメトロノーム音を傾聴しない状態)と比較して検討した.心理指標にはPOMS(Profile of Mood States)短縮版と内省報告を用い,生理指標には心電図R-R間隔,皮膚電位水準を採用した.さらに心電図R-R間隔からは,Lorenz plotを算出した.その結果,心拍音傾聴条件の特徴がみられたのは,実験1の生理指標であるLorenz plotのCSI値と皮膚電位水準においてである.Lorenz plotのCSI値より,心拍音傾聴条件は実験後安静において心臓交感神経活動を抑制した.また,実験中の心拍音傾聴条件の皮膚電位水準は,統制条件よりも陽性値を示した.以上のことから,安静時に心拍音を傾聴することは,閉眼安静状態よりも交感神経活動を抑制させることが明らかになった.
This study examined the influence of listening to one’s heartbeat on one’s psychological and physiological changes during a resting state. It consisted of two experiments. In Experiment 1, the heartbeat-listening condition, in which participants closed their eyes and listened to their heartbeat, was compared to a control condition, in which participants closed their eyes but did not listen to any particular sound. In Experiment 2, the metronome-listening condition, which involved closing the eyes and listening to a metronome, was compared to the same control condition as in Experiment 1. POMS (Profile of Mood States) Brief Japanese Version and introspective reports were the psychological indices. The electrocardiogram R-R interval and skin potential level were the physiological indices. Moreover, a Lorenz plot was calculated from the electrocardiogram R-R interval. Effects of the heartbeat-listening condition appeared in the physiological indices in Experiment 1: the CSI values of the Lorenz plot and the skin potential levels. For the heartbeat-listening condition, the CSI values of the Lorenz plot indicated that there was a reduction in heart sympathetic nerve activity during the post-experimental resting state. Furthermore, the skin potential level during the heartbeat-listening condition experiment showed a positive test result compared to the control condition. Therefore, it is apparent that listening to one’s heartbeat while in a resting state reduces sympathetic nerve activity more than being in a resting state with eyes closed.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 157-165, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
次世代型統合医療とバイオフィードバック(企画セッション,3.「バイオフィードバックの新しい展開-臨床の現場から」) New type of integrated medicine and biofeedback(Organized session,3. Evolution in Biofeedback research and practice-new wave in clinical field)
今西 二郎 IMANISHI Jiro 京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科 Department of Microbiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
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補完・代替医療(complementary and alternative medicine:CAM)は,一般的に主流の現代西洋医学以外の医学と定義されている.補完・代替医療の種類としては,非常に多くのものがある.すなわち,漢方医学,民族療法,食事・ハーブ療法,心に働きかける療法,身体を動かして行う療法,動物に触れたり,植物を育てることで行う療法,感覚を通して行う療法,体外より力を加えて行う療法,環境を利用した療法,宗教的療法などである.統合医療(integrative or integrated medicine)とは,現代西洋医学と補完・代替医療を組み合わせ,それぞれの長所を生かし,短所を補完しながら疾患の治療や予防,治未病,健康増進などを図ることである.次世代型統合医療では,以上のような現行の統合医療をさらに踏み込み,(1)身体的,精神的な面だけでなく,スピリチュアリティの面についての健康改善,増進・維持が図る.(2)自然にやさしい環境だけでなく,積極的に健康増進,改善を目指した空間を構築することを目的とする.われわれは,実際にお寺や緑地公園で,次世代型統合医療のモデルをつくり,試行してきた.次世代型統合医療の特徴が,各種リラクセーション法や瞑想法などの療法を取り入れることによって,スピリチュアルケアを行っていくことから,より効果を高めるためにもバイオフィードバックは有用であると期待される.そのためには,上記のような療法と同期して行うことが重要であるので,携帯型のバイオフィードバック装置などの開発が要求される.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is defined as medical interventions which do not belong to modern Western medicine. CAM includes various kinds of therapies such as Kampo medicine, folk medicine, therapies related to diet or herb, psychological therapies, exercise, animal therapy, horticulture therapy, therapies utilizing five senses, manual therapies, therapies utilizing environment, and religious therapies. Integrated medicine, combination of modern western medicine with CAM, is focused on the treatment and prevention of diseases, and health promotion. Furthermore, in the new type of integrated medicine, two key words, spirituality and environment are adopted. We have tried to establish the new type of integrated medicine in the Buddhist temple and the green park. Biofeedback is useful in the new type of integrated medicine to enhance the effect on spiritual care, by incorporating relaxation techniques and meditation. For that purpose, it is necessary to develop portable biofeedback instruments.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 149-155, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
ニューロフィードバックの実際(企画セッション,3.「バイオフィードバックの新しい展開-臨床の現場から」) Experiences of Neurofeedback in Japan(Organized session,3. Evolution in Biofeedback research and practice-new wave in clinical field)
竹内 伸 Takeuchi Shin さきお英子 子ども心のクリニック Sakio Eiko kodomo kokoro no clinic
被引用文献: 1件
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Neurofeedback which is also known as EEG Biofeedback has not be well known yet in Japan. But it is known as a effective treatment for not only ADD/ADHD but also epilepsy, depression, chronic pain, attachment disorder, and many other psychiatric and psychosomatic problems in the U.S. The Author has used Neurofeedback for 6 years in Japan and experienced many kinds of clients include ADD, Aspergers., HFPDD, Autism, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Bipolar disorder, Stroke etc.. This is an introduction of Neurofeedback therapy and what was experienced through Neurofeedback sessions.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(2), 143-148, 2009-10-25 [この号の目次]
ストレスマネジメントにおけるバイオフィードバック法を用いた基礎的研究-心理的指標の変化ならびにコヒーレンス比率と心拍数の関連- A Basic Study of Biofeedback Training for Stress Management-Changes in the Indicators of Psychological States and the Relationship between Heart Rates and Rhythm Coherence-
柴田 和恵 SHIBATA Kazue 天使大学看護栄養学部看護学科 菊地 美香 KIKUCHI Mika 天使大学看護栄養学部看護学科
CiNii 論文PDF - オープンアクセス 医中誌 Web NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
本研究では、看護学生のストレスマネジメント能力を高める支援方略の基礎的資料を得るため、バイオフィードバック(以下BF)法訓練中の生理的指標(心拍数)とコヒーレンス比率との関連、およびBF 法の初回訓練直前と最終訓練直後での心理的指標(気分や感情、認知判断の傾向)の変化を明らかにすることを目的とする。対象は、A大学看護学科1年生18名で、BF 訓練は1回5〜10分、週3回、3週間実施し、心拍数とコヒーレンス比率の関連をSpearmanの順位相関係数を用い、POMS 短縮版とLOC の得点比較をWilcoxonの符号付順位和検定を行った。その結果、BF 法訓練中のコヒーレンス比率と心拍数が負の相関を示し、BF 法訓練後に「活気」を除く気分・感情陰性要因すべてが有意に低減した。また、内的統制志向群は、外的統制志向群に比べて、気分・感情陰性要因への影響を受けやすい傾向があった。&color(,pink){”BF 法訓練は看護学生のストレスマネジメント能力向上に期待できることが示唆された。
This study was designed to provide basic knowledge and data required for strategies to enhance the ability of nursing students to manage their stress. We examined the relationship between heart rates (a physiological indicator) and rhythm coherence, as well as changes in the indicators of psychological states (feelings, emotions and cognition) during Biofeedback (BF) training. Subjects were 18 first year students in the Department of Nursing at University A. Five to ten minute sessions of BF training were held three times a week for three weeks. To examine the relationship between heart rates and rhythm coherence, we performed Wilcoxon’s signed rank sum test, using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, to compare the scores obtained from a short version of the Profile of Mood State (POMS) and a Locus of Control (LOC) scale. The results showed an inverse correlation between heart rates and rhythm coherence, significant decreases in negative mental and emotional factors, and an increase in vitality” during BF training. Students with an internal LOC were more vulnerable to negative mental and emotional factors, compared to those with an external LOC. It was demonstrated that BF training is effective in enhancing their stress management ability.
天使大学紀要 [巻号一覧]
天使大学紀要 9, 93-99, 2009-06-30 [この号の目次]
17-170 バイオフィードバックによる自己の気づきと自己効力感の関連性について(慢性疼痛2,一般演題(ポスター発表),近未来医療を担う心身医学,第1回日本心身医学5学会合同集会)
伴 郁美 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 神原 憲治 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 阿部 哲也 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 六浦 裕美 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 山本 和美 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 福永 幹彦 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 中井 吉英 関西医科大学心療内科学講座
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心身医学 [巻号一覧]
心身医学 49(6), 619, 2009-06-01 [この号の目次]
身体感覚の気づきの回復過程にて前兆を認めるようになった難治性片頭痛の一症例 One case of obstinate migraine where it came to have the aura by recovery process of awareness of bodily feeling
蓮尾 英明 HASUO Hideaki 川崎医科大学付属病院総合診療科 General Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital 神原 憲治 KANBARA Kenji 関西医科大学心療内科講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University 山下 直人 YAMASHITA Naohito 川崎医科大学付属病院総合診療科 General Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital 本多 啓介 HONDA Keisuke 川崎医科大学付属病院総合診療科 General Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital 楠 裕明 KUSUNOKI Hiroaki 川崎医科大学付属病院総合診療科 General Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital 福永 幹彦 FUKUNAGA Mikihiko 関西医科大学心療内科講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University 中井 吉英 NAKAI Yoshihide 関西医科大学心療内科講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University
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症例は30歳代女性.主訴は頭痛.交通外傷後からの前兆のない片頭痛(トリプタン無反応性、アロディニア併存)が病態の中心になっていた.当初,感情の気づきや表現が困難な状態で,身体感覚の気づきも低下していた.そこで,客観的な生理指標の評価として精神生理学的ストレスプロファイル(Psychophysiological Stress Profile,以下PSPと略す)を施行した.その結果,ストレス負荷を契機に,指尖容積脈波の過剰な反応,負荷後の症状再現を認めた.それにより,自覚症状と客観的な生理指標評価との乖離への気づき,心身相関の理解が得られた.それに伴い,疲労感を感じるなど身体感覚の気づきが深まり,発作前に前兆を認めるようになった.前兆の段階でのエルゴタミン製剤が著効し,頭痛の頻度は激減した.
The case is a woman in one’s thirties. The chief complaint is headache. The migraine without aura (non-responder to triptan, with allodynia) after a traffic injury was centers of the sickness. At first, awareness and the expression of feelings are difficult, and the awareness of the bodily feeling has decreased. Then, Psychophysiological Stress Profile (PSP) was enforced as an evaluation of an objective psychophysiological index. As a result, an excessive reaction of the finger blood volume pulse and the symptom reproduction after the stress were admitted with the stress. As a result, the understanding of awareness to the dissociation of a subjective symptom and an objective psychophysiological index evaluation and the mind-body correlations was obtained. The awareness of the bodily feeling deepened as the tiredness feeling was felt along with it, and it came to have the aura before the headache attack. Taking the ergotamine at the stage of the aura decreased the frequency of the headache sharply.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(1), 63-68, 2009-04-25 [この号の目次]
呼吸法を併用した心拍バイオフィードバックの心理・生理的変化について : バイオフィードバック未経験者を対象として Psychological and physiological changes acquired from heartbeat biofeedback combined with breathing exercises : The changes experienced by beginners in biofeedback
高井 秀明 TAKAI Hideaki 日本体育大学大学院体育科学研究科 Graduate School of Health and Sport Science, Nippon Sport Science University
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本研究は,バイオフィードバック(BF)未経験者を対象に呼吸法を併用した心拍BFがどのような心理・生理的変化をもたらすのかについて検討した.実験条件は,統制条件(閉眼安静状態),通常条件(閉眼安静状態で,呼吸法を併用せずに心拍の聴覚信号の間隔を拡張する),呼吸条件(閉眼安静状態で,呼吸法を併用して心拍の聴覚信号の間隔を拡張する)の3条件とした.これらの実験条件を比較・検討するために,心理指標としては二次元気分尺度の改訂版(TDMS)と内省報告,生理指標としては呼吸数,心電図R-R間隔を採用した.さらに心電図R-R間隔からは,Lorenz plotを算出した.検討の結果,実験条件間に差異がみられたのは以下の3点である.(1)TDMSより,通常条件と呼吸条件では実験においてポジティブ覚醒を高めた,(2)呼吸条件は実験において呼吸数を減少させた.(3)Lorenz plotより,通常条件では実験後安静において心臓交感神経活動を亢進させた.以上のことから,BF未経験者においては,呼吸法を併用して心拍の聴覚信号の間隔を拡張するほうが呼吸法を併用しない場合よりも,リラクセーション状態へ導くために有効な方法であるといえる.
This study was intended to review the psychological and physiological changes acquired from heartbeat biofeedback combined with breathing exercises. In this study, next three experimental conditions were set. Control condition (eyes closed resting state), regular condition (eyes closed, listening to heartbeat sound and try to expand the heartbeat, no breathing exercises), respiration condition (eyes closed, listening to heartbeat sound and try to expand the heartbeat, with breathing exercises). To compare each of these experimental conditions, as psychology index Two-Dimensional Mood Scale (TDMS) and introspective report, as physiology index count of respiration, electrocardiogram R-R interval were chosen as barometer. Furthermore, Lorenz plot was calculated from electrocardiogram R-R interval. As result of inspection, three major differences were found out between three conditions. (1) By TDMS, during mid experiment in regular condition and respiration condition, positive alertness enhanced. (2) In respiration condition, count of respiration decreased during mid experiment. (3) By Lorenz plot, regular condition showed increase in cardiac sympathetic nerve activity during post experiment. In conclusion, when BF was intended for inexperienced subject to relax, effort to expand heartbeat using BF with breathing exercises was more effective than without breathing exercise.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(1), 69-75, 2009-04-25 [この号の目次]
佐伯 美智子 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 神原 憲治 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 伴 郁美 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 水野 泰行 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 蓮尾 英明 川崎医科大学付属病院総合診療科 福永 幹彦 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 中井 吉英 関西医科大学心療内科学講座
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(1), 95-96, 2009-04-25 [この号の目次]
唾液中のコルチゾールによる軽度な精神作業負荷の生理評価 Salivary Cortisol as a Possible Physiological Biomarker for Mild Mental Workload
野村 収作 NOMURA Shusaku 長岡技術科学大学産学融合トップランナー養成センター Top Runner Incubation Center for Academia-Industry Fusion, Nagaoka University Technology 水野 統太 MIZUNO Tota 産業技術総合研究所人間福祉医工学研究部門 Institute of Human Science and Biomedical Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 野澤 昭雄 NOZAWA Akio 明星大学理工学部 Department of Electrical Engineering, Meisei University 浅野 裕俊 ASANO Hirotoshi 青山学院大学理工学研究科 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University 井出 英人 IDE Hideto 青山学院大学理工学研究科 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
被引用文献: 6件
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Recent psycho-physiological studies have revealed close relationships between human mental stresses and secretion of hormones and/or immunological substances. However, a precise elaboration of fluctuations in the secretion of these biomarkers in the time series against stress; especially against a rather mild stressful task is not yet clearly illuminated. In this study, we used the cortisol, a major glucocorticoid, as a biomarker of mental stress for 1) illustrating the precise stress-response in the time series, and 2) investigating a congruity of cortisol as the biomarker for a mild mental workload. In the experiment, ten male university students were inscribed to conduct a simple, easy, and monotonous mental arithmetic task for about an hour with intermissions, so as to emulate a mild mental workload. As a developing result, salivary cortisol concentration depicted an accumulative increase during mild mental workloads, while no marked difference was obtained in the heart rate and its variability. It suggests the slow and long-lasting properties in the stress-response of the cortisol unlike as in autonomous nervous system indices, and therefore plausibly demonstrates the possible candidacy of cortisol as a biomarker for a mild mental load. Finally, the possible applications of cortisol for an array of biofeedback studies are discussed as that cortisol could be an alternative marker for evaluating the physiological effects driven by the series of biofeedback treatments, because of its sustentive stressresponse for a long time range and/or accumulative changing profile.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 36(1), 23-32, 2009-04-25 [この号の目次]
III-3.複合バイオフィードバック療法が有効であったパニック障害の1例 : 多チャンネルNIRS脳計測装置と心拍変動解析監視下でのイメージ暴露と呼吸リラクセーション法を用いて(一般演題,第110回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
谷川 誠司 高円寺南診療所心療内科:高円寺南診療所心身リハビリテーション室:国際医療福祉大大学院 飯嶋 正広 高円寺南診療所心療内科:高円寺南診療所心身リハビリテーション室 林 亮博 高円寺南診療所心療内科:高円寺南診療所心身リハビリテーション室
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心身医学 [巻号一覧]
心身医学 48(12), 1066, 2008-12-01 [この号の目次]
自律訓練法習得時におけるバイオフィードバック法併用の自己効力感と精神健康度への効果の検討 Effects of adding biofeedback training to autogenic training on self-efficacy and general health
篁 宗一 稲光 哲明
医中誌 Web NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
自律訓練研究 28(2), 48-55, 2008-11-00
高血圧症に対するバイオフィードバック療法後一年間の追跡調査 : 非導入群との比較 One-year follow-up after Biofeedback Therapy for Hypertension : Comparison with Untreated Group
飯田 俊穂 Iida Toshiho 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・心療内科 Psychosomatic Therapy Center and Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Aizawa Hospital 細萱 房枝 Hosogaya Fusae 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・医療心理科 Department of Medical Psychology, Aizawa Hospital 栗林 春奈 Kuribayashi Haruna 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・医療心理科 Department of Medical Psychology, Aizawa Hospital 熊谷 一宏 Kumagai Kazuhiro 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・医療心理科 Department of Medical Psychology, Aizawa Hospital
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In a previous study, biofeedback (BF) therapy was performed to treat hypertension using direct and indirect techniques, and the effectiveness of these techniques was clarified. In the current study, BF was performed for five months to treat hypertension and then the patients were followed for one year. This treatment group was compared an untreated group in order to examine the sustained effect of BF therapy. Patients with hypertension in the group to undergo BF therapy had slight to moderate hypertension and often had slightly elevated anxiety and depression scale scores. Comparison of these patients before and after BF therapy revealed that they had significant decreases in blood pressure while outpatients and in anxiety and depression scale scores, and this improvement remained even a year later. Comparison of this group to the untreated group revealed significant differences in these three indices. In summary, BF therapy for hypertension was found to stabilize blood pressure and mitigate anxiety and depression. Results clearly indicated that its effects remained even a year later.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 35(2), 99-105, 2008-10-25 [この号の目次]
メンタルストレステストに対する心拍反応に与える主観的幸福感水準の影響 : 探索的検討 Effect of perceived happiness level on cardiac response to mental stress testing : A pilot study
堀内 聡 Horiuchi Satoshi 久留米大学大学院心理学研究科 Graduate School of Psychology, Kurume University 津田 彰 Tsuda Akira 久留米大学文学部心理学科 Department of Psychology, Kurume University 橋本 英一郎 Hashimoto Eiichiro 久留米大学文学部心理学科:(現)九州ルーテル学院大学大学院人文学研究科 Department of Psychology, Kurume University:(Present office)Graduate School of Humanities, Kyushu Lutheran College 甲斐 ひろみ Kai Hiromi 久留米大学文学部心理学科 Department of Psychology, Kurume University 賀 文潔 He Wenjie 久留米大学文学部心理学科 Department of Psychology, Kurume University
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Increasing evidence suggests that perceived happiness influences stress responses to mental stress testing. We examined the effects of perceived happiness on heart rate (HR) and subjective responses induced by mental stress tests such as speech and mental arithmetic between high and low happiness groups screened according to levels of perceived happiness among 235 participants. After a 10 minutes pre-task period, 8 high and 8 low happiness participants completed the task period which included 2 minutes preparation for speech, 3 minutes speech and 5 minutes mental arithmetic in front of an observer followed by a 30 minutes post task period. Subjective stress responses were assessed by NASA-TLX. HR was higher in the lower happiness group compared to the higher happiness group during the pre-task and mental arithmetic. Both groups did not differ in subjective stress responses.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 35(2), 93-98, 2008-10-25 [この号の目次]
認知行動療法を適用したパニック障害の2事例を通した適応への心理的フィードバック過程の検討(シンポジウム 臨床バイオフィードバックの実践-新しい医療パラダイムに向けて-) A Study of the Psychological Feedback Process toward Accommodation through an Investigation Two Case Studies Applied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(Symposium Clinical Biofeedback Application -Create a New Paradigm-)
佐藤 安子 SATO Yasuko 京都文教大学臨床心理学部臨床心理学科 Faculty of Clinical Psychology Department of Clinical Psychology, Kyoto Bunkyo University
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Individuals under high stress tend to be in a state of tunnel vision. Especially patients with panic disorder would show this tendency. They focus on their anxiety and prediction of discomfort. Our previous study suggested that individuals under high stress would chose less coping strategies than individuals under low stress and their internal environments differed. In the present study, the process toward accommodation by increasing their coping strategies during cognitive behavioral therapy was investigated. The frame of reference in which we tried to identify such accommodation process by self monitoring aimed to contribute to expand the opportunities of application of biofeedback. Two clinical cases recovering from panic disorder with agoraphobia were instantiated. They showed high level anxiety to ride public transportation. In both cases, they needed to be liberated from the distress of riding in enclosed spaces. At the beginning of therapy, the patients had concentrated on their anxiety. During the progression of the therapy, the patients explored the practicable behaviors more and more and their coping strategies had increased. The cognitive process in the patients circulated as a sort of circuit. We can call the former process the anxiety-amplification circuit, and the latter process the self-regulation- amplification circuit. It is suggested that the patients with the anxiety-amplification circuit need the self-regulation- amplification circuit in their cognition to accommodate external environment. During biofeedback process, the patients moderate their internal environment by monitoring physiological information. In other words, this process is self-regulation. On the other hand, cognitive behavioral therapy lets the patients recognize how to recognize and changes the patients’s perspective. Through this meta recognition the internal environment is moderated. Basically both biofeedback and cognitive behavioral therapy can let the patients self-regulate their internal environment by self-monitoring. These two techniques could share the same therapeutic framework.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 35(2), 87-92, 2008-10-25 [この号の目次]
リラクセーションナースの実際 : バイオフィードバックの可能性(シンポジウム 臨床バイオフィードバックの実践-新しい医療パラダイムに向けて-) Relaxation Nurse : Potential of Biofeedback in Nursing Practice(Symposium Clinical Biofeedback Application -Create a New Paradigm-)
服部 祐子 HATTORI Yuko 彦根市立病院看護部 Nursing Department, Hikone Municipal Hospital 黒丸 尊治 KUROMARU Takaharu 彦根市立病院緩和ケア科 Palliative Care Unit, Hikone Municipal Hospital
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Recently, aromatherapy, serving as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), draws increasing attention from nurses, and many hospitals have employed aromatherapy for nursing care. Aroma massage, characterized by plant-derived mild flavor with soft touching, gives a patient a strong sense of security and comfort. The Palliative Care Unit of our hospital also has actively carried out aroma massages by volunteer staffs and nurses, since opening of the unit. However, what’s happening now is that nurses practicing aromatherapy on patients cannot have sufficient time for close communication with the patients because of their busy hospital jobs. Recognizing the need of a system which allows nurses to carry out aromatherapy without being bound to the routine work during business hours, we have started a relaxation nurse system since April 2006. At present, partly due to shortage of nurses, the aromatherapy activity can be conducted only about once a month. In the activity, nurses not only practice aromatherapy in the Palliative Care Unit, but also visit other wards to practice aromatherapy upon request. In addition, to spread accurate knowledge about aromatherapy, we give theoretical and practical lectures to nurses in postgraduate education or alternative medicine training. Therefore, a majority of our nurses have a certain level of knowledge about aromatherapy and ability to practice it. On the aromatherapy day, nurses do not have to spend their time on the routine work, and so they can be devoted to aromatherapy and closely and personally communicate with each individual patient. This would provide large benefit to both nurses and patients.Such a system is still rare nationwide, but we expect that many hospitals will adopt such a system from now on, possibly followed by appearance of relaxation nurses and relaxation clinics which employ the biofeedback therapy.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 35(2), 81-86, 2008-10-25 [この号の目次]
1日5分で行える骨盤底筋訓練 (特集 CARE NAVI 女性の尿失禁)
上野 澄恵
医中誌 Web NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
臨床看護 34(8), 1127-1133, 2008-07-00
便失禁専門外来の試み Diagnosis and Management of Fecal Incontinence at a Specialty Outpatient Clinic
安部 達也 ABE T. くにもと病院肛門科 Department of Proctology, Kunimoto Hospital 國本 正雄 KUNIMOTO M. くにもと病院肛門科 Department of Proctology, Kunimoto Hospital 鉢呂 芳一 HACHIRO Y. くにもと病院肛門科 Department of Proctology, Kunimoto Hospital
参考文献: 33件 被引用文献: 5件
機関リポジトリ J-STAGE 医中誌 Web CrossRef CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
Fecal incontinence (FI) is a disabling disease that may have devastating psycho-social consequences. FI patients do not seek medical advice because of embarrassment and low expectations of medical care, and so they are unaware of available treatments. Therefore, we opened an FI specialty outpatient clinic in March 2005. Two hundred and fifty patients with FI have consulted our specialty outpatient clinic as of December 2006. The median age was 72 and 167 patients (67%) were female. One hundred and eighty-one patients had mainly passive incontinence (PI) and 26 had mainly urge incontinence (UI). The causes of FI identified were: 48 obstetric; 44 idiopathic; 25 rectal prolapse; 21 anal surgical injury; 18 internal anal sphincter degeneration and so on. The majority of other patients could be managed successfully with conservative therapy including pharmacologic treatment (28 cases) such as polycarbophil-calcium, manometry-based biofeedback therapy (42) and electrostimulation in the anal canal (144). Anal sphincteroplasty was performed in only 9 patients. Because most cases of fecal incontinence are amenable to simple and inexpensive treatments, healthcare providers need to establish multiskilled regional centers offering a range of diagnostic and treatment expertise.
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 61(5), 247-253, 2008-05-01
福本 一朗 長岡技科大医用生体工学教室 渡辺 徹 川瀬神経内科クリニック 松本 義伸 長岡技科大医用生体工学教室 川瀬 康裕 川瀬神経内科クリニック
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 35(1), 74, 2008-04-25 [この号の目次]
端詰 勝敬 東邦大学心療内科 小田原 幸 東邦大学心療内科 奥平 祐子 東邦大学心療内科 林 果林 東邦大学心療内科 天野 雄一 東邦大学心療内科 坪井 康次 東邦大学心療内科
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 35(1), 72, 2008-04-25 [この号の目次]
バイオフィードバック療法とリラクセーションとの併用が奏功した片頭痛の一例 A successful treatment for a patient with migraine using biofeedback and relaxation
端詰 勝敬 Hashizume Masahiro 東邦大学心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 小田原 幸 Odawara Miyuki 東邦大学心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 奥平 祐子 Okuhira Yuko 東邦大学心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 林 果林 Hayashi Karin 東邦大学心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 天野 雄一 Amano Yuichi 東邦大学心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 吉内 一浩 Yoshiuchi Kazuhiro 東邦大学心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 坪井 康次 Tsuboi Koji 東邦大学心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University
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片頭痛に対するバイオフィードバック療法やリラクセーションの治療効果がレビューによって示されている.しかし,片頭痛患者の心理的要因や社会的要因に対する治療効果は明らかでない.今回われわれは,前兆のない片頭痛患者に対して皮膚温・筋電図バイオフィードバックとリラクセーション法を併用した治療を試みた.また,ecological momentary assessment (EMA)を用いて身体的要因のみならず,心理・社会的要因も調査した.バイオフィードバック療法により,頭痛,吐き気,鎮痛薬の使用回数,ストレス,うつ,不安,イライラ,頭痛による生活支障度に改善がみられた.これらの身体的および心理社会的因子に対する効果はバイオフィードバック療法終了10週後にも持続していた.
Meta-analytic literature reviews of biofeedback therapy and relaxation had consistently identified clinically significant reductions in migraine. But these therapeutic effects for the psychological and sociological factors in the patients with migraine were unknown. We tried combination of thermal and electromyogram feedback and relaxation for a case of migraine without aura. We examined not only biological factors but also psycho-social factors by ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Biofeedback therapy produced larger reductions in headache activity, nausea, analgesic medication use, stress, depression, anxiety, irritability, headache-related disability. These effects of biofeedback and relaxation continued to improve at a 10 weeks follow-up in the biological and psychosocial factors.
振戦疾患患者におけるアルキメデス螺旋描写動作への筆跡有無の影響 Influence of visible or invisible handwriting on drawing the Archimedes spiral in tremor disease patients
松本 義伸 MATSUMOTO Yoshinobu 長岡技術科学大学 Nagaoka University of Technology 吉井 孝博 YOSHII Takahiro 長岡技術科学大学 Nagaoka University of Technology 平川 晋也 HIRAKAWA Shinya 長岡技術科学大学 Nagaoka University of Technology 山田 暢一 YAMADA Nobukazu 長岡技術科学大学 Nagaoka University of Technology 福本 一朗 FUKUMOTO Ichiro 長岡技術科学大学 Nagaoka University of Technology 田村 正人 TAMURA Masato 長岡西病院 Nagaoka-Nishi Hospital 中島 孝 NAKAJIMA Takashi 国立病院機構新潟病院 National Hospital Organization Niigata National Hospital
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There are patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) or Essential tremor disease (ET), whose hands and/or feet tremble involuntarily. Because they cannot control their tremors daily life, including routine activities such as writing a letter or pouring tea into a cup, is difficult. We chose biofeedback as a method of controlling these tremor diseases and we constructed a tremor measurement system with 3-axis accelerometers, a digitizing tablet and a laptop to collect basic data. Using this system, we investigated whether the patient’s movements during writing or drawing were influenced by the presence of handwriting. The subjects were 10 PD patients (PD group) and 8 ET patients (ET group). Beforehand, all patients were classified according to degree of tremor by a doctor. All patients sat on a chair and traced an Archimedes spiral on a digitizing tablet. We instructed the subjects to trace the spiral correctly. An accelerometer was attached to the index finger on each subject’s writing hand. The subjects drew the spiral under the following two conditions: with handwriting and without it. In this study, we have found a positive correlation between the amplitude of the acceleration of drawing and the degree of the tremor. In both the ET group and PD group, the amplitude of the acceleration of drawing was significantly increased by the presence of the handwriting. Also, in the PD group, a disturbance in the figure was significantly increased by the presence of the handwriting. This result suggests that the index of the acceleration is effective in a biofeedback training system for patients with tremor disease.
身体感覚の気づきへのプロセスとバイオフィードバック The process toward awareness of bodily feeling and biofeedback
神原 憲治 KANBARA Kenji 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University 伴 郁美 BAN Ikumi 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University 福永 幹彦 FUKUNAGA Mikihiko 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University 中井 吉英 NAKAI Yoshihide 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University
被引用文献: 2件
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心身症や機能的な身体疾患では,感情や身体感覚の気づきの低下が病態に関わっているとされる.我々は,心身症患者や機能性身体疾患患者と健常人を比較して,ストレス負荷前後の精神生理学的指標の変化を評価するPsychophysiological Stress Profile (PSP)を行い,その際の客観的生理指標と自覚的感覚の関係性について調べてきた.これまでに,心身症患者群と健常群で,緊張に関する主観的指標と客観的指標の間の関係性に何らかの違いがあることが示唆されている.今回我々は,当科を受診した心身症患者52例と健常対照群30例にPSPを行い,ストレス負荷前後における生理指標(精神的な緊張の指標としてスキンコンダクタンス,身体的な緊張の指標として前額筋電位),及び,その際の自覚的感覚(精神的・身体的緊張感)の変化について検討した.その結果,生理指標については2群間で有意差は認められなかったが,自覚的緊張感については2群間で有意差が認められた.心身症患者群は健常群と比べて,客観的には同程度の緊張であったが,主観的には精神的にも身体的にも高い緊張を感じていた.特に身体的緊張感については,健常人に比べて緊張・弛緩のメリハリの小さいパターンであった.健常人はストレス時に身体的緊張を感じるのに対して,心身症患者群はストレス前やストレス後にも高い緊張を感じるために,ストレス中との差(メリハリ)が小さくなったと考えられた.高い緊張感が持続すると弛緩した感覚が分かりにくくなり,アレキシソミア(失体感症)につながっていくと思われる.このような病態に対して,バイオフィードバックを中心とした心身医学的アプローチを行い,身体感覚が回復する経過を辿った,顎関節症(心身症)の一症例を紹介しながら,身体感覚の気づきへのプロセスとバイオフィードバックの関わりについて考察を加えた.症例は,当初全身の緊張が高く,思考優位で,身体感覚の気づきが低下して顎や肩の緊張も感じられない状態であった.バイオフィードバックを含めたアプローチによって感覚と思考のつながりが回復し,身体に対する気づきが高まり,緊張がゆるんでいった.それに伴って,どこに問題があるのかが分かるようになり,健康的な身体感覚が戻ってきた.池見らは,バイオフィードバックは身体的な気づきを促す上で有用であると述べている.フィードバックされた身体の状態(客観的指標)と,自分で感じる身体の感覚(主観的感覚)をマッチングさせることで両者の乖離に気づき,それが手掛かりになって身体感覚の気づきが高まる.そのプロセスの中で,脳幹や大脳辺縁系と大脳新皮質の機能的乖離が改善し,伝達機能が回復すると考えられる.身体感覚の気づきが高まると,感情の気づきにもつながり,心身相関の気づきにもつながっていくと考えられた.
Patients with psychosomatic disorder or functional somatic disorder display difficulties in identifying emotional or bodily feelings. We have conducted psychophysiological stress profiling (PSP) in those patients and healthy controls, and investigated the relationship between psychophysiological index and subjective bodily feeling. Our previous studies suggested that the relationship between objective and subjective estimation in the patients would differ from that of the controls. In the present study, we performed PSP in 52 patients with psychosomatic disorder and 30 healthy controls. Changes of psychophysiological index (skin conductance level/forehead electromyogram as a index of mental/physical tension) in pre-/in-/post-stress and subjective feeling (mental and physical tension) were investigated. Psychophysiological index did not significantly differ between the patient and the control group, but subjective bodily feeling differed between two groups. Patients had the same physiological tension as controls, but felt higher tension than the controls. Especially in physical tension feeling, patients showed less variant pattern. Chronic high tension makes it difficult to feel relax sensation, which would lead patients to conditions of “alexisomia”. Discussions about the process toward awareness of bodily feeling and biofeedback were made through a case of psychosomatic temporomandibular disorder. The case, at the beginning, showed high bodily tension, had a tendency toward intellectualization rather than somatic consciousness, and showed reduced awareness of bodily feelings. Through the approaches including biofeedback, the functional linkage between intellection and sensory recovered and the whole awareness of bodily feeling was heightened. Ikemi, et al. stated availability of biofeedback for encouraging the awareness of bodily feeling. Biofeedback adapts subjective bodily feeling to objective state of body. Through such process, functional dissociation among the cerebral level for cognition, the limbic level for emotion, and brainstem level for bodily feeling would resolve. The awareness of bodily feeling leads awareness of emotional feeling, and also leads awareness of mind-body interaction.
動作者と観察者における呼吸の個人間同調について Interpersonal synchrony of respiration between mover and observer
林 麗子 HAYASHI Reiko 名古屋学芸大学ヒューマンケア学部子どもケア学科 Department of Child Care, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences 平井 タカネ HIRAI Takane 名古屋学芸大学ヒューマンケア学部子どもケア学科 Department of Child Care, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences 佐久間 春夫 SAKUMA Haruo 奈良女子大学文学部人間行動科学科 Department of Human Behavioral Sciences, Nara Women's University
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This study investigates interpersonal synchrony of respiration between a mover and an observer. A mover showed four kinds of expressive movements: a combination of movement qualities (tension or release) and movement directions (inward or outward). While observers watched the mover’s movements, most of the observers’ respiratory rhythm was not synchronized with the mover’s respiratory rhythm. It was similar to the rhythm at rest. Through a detailed analysis, it is found that observers partly adjusted their respiration to the beginning phase of the mover’s exhalation. Moreover, the cross correlation of respiratory rhythm between the mover and an observer was higher when the mover’s body was spread and stretched out, than the one when her body was crouched and the arms and legs were inflected. The movement quality that was strained or released did not have influence on the respiratory correlation. The results of the mood test, however, show that observers felt tense and uneasy observing the strained movements and, on the other hand, they felt calm, at ease and intimate while observing the released movements.
高血圧症に対するバイオフィードバック療法(リラクセーション併用)の直接法と間接法との比較について Comparison of blood pressure and electroencephalogam biofeedback (both supplemented with relaxation) for the treatment of hypertension
飯田 俊穂 IIDA Toshiho 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・心療内科 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Hypertension Center, Aizawa Hospital 栗林 春奈 KURIBAYASHI Haruna 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・医療心理科 Department of Medical Psychology, Aizawa Hospital 細萱 房枝 HOSOGAYA Fusae 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・医療心理科 Department of Medical Psychology, Aizawa Hospital 熊谷 一宏 KUMAGAI Kazuhiro 特定・特別医療法人慈泉会相澤病院心身医療センター・医療心理科 Department of Medical Psychology, Aizawa Hospital
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In our previous study, we performed biofeedback (BF) therapy (direct method) and electroencephalogram (EEG)-BF therapy (indirect method) by using a monitoring system (harmonized alert sensing technology ; HASTE) that is used in hospital wards and other treatment centers for treating hypertension/white-coat hypertension, and we clarified the effectiveness of these therapy systems. In this study, we compare the effects of both the direct and indirect BF therapy methods combined with relaxation therapy. The results for both the study groups revealed significant reductions in blood pressure during the shrinkage period, in general blood pressure, and in the plasma levels of adrenaline and significant improvements in anxiety and depression. As compared to the results obtained for these 2 groups, we observed more significant blood pressure reductions among patients who visited the outpatient clinic (for the shrinkage period : 1〜4 times, a diastole : 1〜7 times) by using the direct method (combined with relaxation) than by using the indirect method (combined with relaxation) In summary, the direct method (combined with relaxation) influences blood pressure at an earlier stage than the indirect method (combined with relaxation) does, and the former is effective even after 6 months.
バイオフィードバックを介した心理面接(シンポジウム からだからこころへのアプローチ-バイオフィードバックで何ができるか-) Psychotherapeutic Approach through Biofeedback(Symposium The approach to the mind from the body-What is made of biofeedback?-)
榊原 雅人 SAKAKIBARA Masahito 東海学園大学人文学部 Faculty of Humanities, Tokai Gakuen University
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臨床場面におけるバイオフィードバック法(BF),特に筋緊張症候に対する筋電図BFにはさまざまな心理技法が併用されている.本シンポジウムではこの観点から筆者らの取り組みを紹介し,BFを介した心理面接のあり方について述べたい.まず,BFに併用される代表的な技法に自律訓練法(AT)があげられよう.ATは身体感覚へのawareness(気づき)を高め,筋弛緩に寄与することが示唆されている(石田ら,2000).しかし,身体への気づきが得られにくかったり,AT習得が困難な場合は他の技法を選択することになる.筆者らはATの他,呼吸法(榊原,1993)や動作法を筋電図BFに併用してきた.これらの技法はBFセッション中のみならず,より日常場面での筋弛緩を助ける方略として有用である.しかしながら,筋電図BFとATの併用によって頸部筋電図が低下したにもかかわらず,日常では改善がみられず難渋した痙性斜頸の一例も経験した(榊原ら,2002).この際,患者がどんな生活のあり方を望み,その中で筋弛緩がどのように行われるのかを検討するため,BF面接に解決志向療法(Solution-Focused Therapy : SFT ; Berg et al., 1992)を取り入れた.SFTとは患者のもつ解決像(症状がなくなったらその代わりに生活はどのように違ってくるか,症状が少しでも軽減した時はどんな状況だったか)に焦点を当てる面接技法である.セッションを重ねるうちに,患者は自ら望む生活(例えば,友人関係に関わる多様な行動)を少しずつ実現させながら独自のスタイルで頸部のコントロールに取り組み,やがて症状が改善した.これは解決像の構築に伴ってさまざまな筋コントロール(行動)が自発的に発現することを示した例であった.BF面接に求められるものは,セッションにおける身体過程のコントロールと日常への効果の持続であろう.ATや呼吸法などの技法はこれらに寄与する可能性をもっている.加えて,解決に傾聴することは患者の自発的なコントロールを促すきっかけになるかもしれない.「BFと心理技法の併用」とは日常でのコントロールがいかに達成されるか(いかに動機づけられるか)という意味において「BFを介した心理面接」であると考えている.
It is possible that a combination of biofeedback (BF) and psychotherapy is effective in the treatment of muscle tension. Several studies have reported that EMG-BF combined with Autogenic training (AT) was effective for spasmodic torticollis. AT is a method of concentrating on proprioception through self-hypnotic suggestion (formula). Ishida et al. (2000) explored the effect of EMG-BF while concentrating on trapezius muscle relaxation. In this study, participants were randomly assigned to EMG-BF, concentration, and EMG-BF combined with concentration conditions. Results indicated that there was a significant decrease in muscle tension as indicated by the EMG in the EMG-BF with concentration condition, compared with the other two conditions. Although combining EMG-BF and AT might be useful for muscle relaxation, other relaxation techniques must be combined with EMG-BF for patients who are unable to learn AT. Sakakibara et al. (1993) in a study of two patients with spasmodic torticollis has reported that breathing exercises with prolonged respiratory exhalation was useful as a strategy for muscle relaxation. In this study, the treatment to reduce the tension of sternocleidomastoid muscle consisted of (1) an EMG-BF session (2) an EMG-BF with breathing exercise session, and (3) a breathing exercise session, in this order. Results indicated that the average tension of the sternocleidomastoid muscles was reduced during each session as indicated by the EMG. After the first and second session, however, the patients could suppress muscle tension using only the breathing exercise, and moreover, their complaints improved following treatment. Sakakibara et al. (2002) has reported that although muscle tension was reduced through relaxation training (EMG-BF and AT) everyday symptoms remained unchanged in patients with spasmodic torticollis. Thus, Solution-focused therapy (SFT) was used for muscle control in daily life. During the SFT sessions, the therapist focused on the patient’s solution image, and the patient not only described his future goals, but also performed muscle control during various daily life activities. After four sessions of SFT, the symptoms improved. It is concluded (1) that combining BF and psychotherapy may be a helpful relaxation technique to reduce muscle tension in patients with spasmodic torticollis, and (2) SFT may contribute to the spontaneous behavior of patients and to the control of symptoms in daily life. Psychotherapeutic approaches to BF might also enhance motivation.
医学・医療分野における心拍変動バイオフィードバック研究とコラボレーションの方向性(シンポジウム からだからこころへのアプローチ-バイオフィードバックで何ができるか-) Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback : New Directions in Collaborative Medical and Related Healthcare Research(Symposium The approach to the mind from the body-What is made of biofeedback?-)
及川 欧 Oikawa Ou ニュージャージー医科歯科大学精神科 Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Malinovsky Igor ニュージャージー医科歯科大学精神科 Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Kotay Anupama ニュージャージー医科歯科大学精神科 Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Karavidas Maria Katsamanis ニュージャージー医科歯科大学精神科 Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 須藤 和昌 Sudo Kazumasa 市立札幌病院神経内科 Department of Neurology, Sapporo City General Hospital 田代 邦雄 Tashiro Kunio 北海道医療大学心理科学部 School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 梅沢 章男 Umezawa Akio 福井大学教育地域科学部 Faculty of Education and Regional Studies, University of Fukui Lehrer Paul M. ニュージャージー医科歯科大学精神科 Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
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最近の医学・医療分野では,生理学的な症状や各種疾患の発生メカニズムを理解するため,からだとこころの心身相関に今まで以上の注目がなされるようになった.また,簡便なバイオフィードバック(BF)機器が出回り,新たに心拍変動(HRV)を用いたBF療法の出現とその有効性を示唆する研究により,今までBFに関心を持たず十分に理解していなかった,多くの分野の研究者たちを惹きつけるようになっている.各方面では,身体症状を精神(心理)生理学的な方法で治療する実験系を模索する共同研究が行われるようになってきた.UMDNJの当研究室では,HRV-BFを用いて喘息,うつ病,線維筋痛症や炎症の研究を他の講座や大学との共同で行っている.また,過去十年以上に渡り,効果的な薬物療法を持たない各種症状や疾患に対しても,次々とHRV-BFで治療成果をあげている.今最も力を注いでいる研究の一つは,ニュージャージー州に非常に多い,交通事故による脊髄損傷の合併症であるAutonomic Dysreflexia(自律神経系の異常興奮;AD)に対するHRV-BFの試みである.ADは突如生じ,200/100mmHg以上の血圧に瞬時に上昇することで痙攣,脳出血,心筋梗塞や突然死にまで発展することさえあり,直ちに治療しなければ命を脅かす危険性がある.薬物療法による降圧効果には限度があり,HRV-BFの治療効果に期待が寄せられる.HRV-BFの応用は,薬物療法があまり効果のない症状や疾患に対しての,安価で,安全性のある,効果的な治療選択肢の一つであろう.
In recent years, medical and other healthcare professionals have increasingly focused on mind-body interaction, to gain understanding of mechanisms underlying physiological symptoms and illnesses. Availability of ambulatory biofeedback equipment in conventional practice, along with growing evidence to support the efficacy of the “heart-rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF)” technique, has led to an increased interest in collaborative research projects. Researchers, previously unfamiliar with biofeedback techniques, are forming alliances to treat and control various physical symptoms with psycho-physiological methods. At the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, our team, in collaboration with other departments and universities, has investigated HRV-BF in treatment of asthma, major depression, fibromyalgia and inflammation. In the course of a decade, our studies have consistently produced positive findings, with promising effects on symptoms and illnesses that lack adequate medical treatments. A high number of near-fatal traffic accidents in the State of New Jersey results in spinal cord injury (SCI). In many SCI cases above Th4-5, the trauma is associated with Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD), a syndrome characterized by a sudden surge of sympathetic activity and an abrupt onset of high blood pressure (200/100mmHg or greater). If not treated promptly and effectively, it may lead to seizures, stroke, heart attacks and even death. The effectiveness of anti-hypertensive medications commonly used to control symptoms of AD is limited. In our most recent project, we used HRV-BF to treat AD in patients with SCI. HRV-BF may be an affordable, safe, and effective way to manage AD symptoms. Our preliminary findings provide support for the safe use of HRV-BF in AD.
加速度を用いた振戦の評価とバイオフィードバック(シンポジウム からだからこころへのアプローチ-バイオフィードバックで何ができるか-) Evaluation and Biofeedback Training of Tremors Using Accelerometers(Symposium The approach to the mind from the body-What is made of biofeedback?-)
松本 義伸 MATSUMOTO Yoshinobu 長岡技術科学大学 Nagaoka University of Technology
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The control of tremors is needed to improve a daily life of a patient with Parkinson’s disease (PD) or Essential tremor disease. For the treatment of PD tremors, L-DOPA as a precursor of dopamine is used. However it has serious side effects such as the ON-OFF phenomena and delusions. I aimed to regulate the tremor amplitude of the patients by using biofeedback (BF). My investigation has covered the following points : 1. Research of the objective tremor evaluation index 2. Construction of a tremor disease diagnosis system 3. Construction of BF training system for controlling of the tremor amplitude In this paper, I have described the studies and have discussed a possible way of BF training for controlling the tremor amplitude. In addition, as an engineer, I will describe how the advance of this biofeedback research will contribute to society in the future.
直腸肛門機能障害の位置づけ : 新しいROME IIIとの関連について New Concept of Functional Anorectal Disorders : In Relation to Newly Published Rome III
高野 正博 TAKANO Masahiro 高野病院 Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
参考文献: 40件 被引用文献: 2件
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直腸肛門機能障害はこれまでsymptom-based criteriaであったが, ROME IIIで身体・検査所見が加わった.F1. Functional fecal incontinenceは, 4歳以上の神経や形態障害が無いもので, 漏れはstainig, soiling, seepageなどに分かれ, urgeとpassive incontinenceがあり, 前者は便に行きたい感じが強いが, 随意圧は低下, 後者は便に行きたい感覚, 静止圧が共に低下する. 内圧, 肛門エコー, MRIなども有用で, 治療は薬剤で調節し, バイオフィードバック (BF) 療法が有効である.Functional anorectal painは, F2a. Chronic prctalgiaとF2b. Prctalgia fugaxに分け, さらにF2a1. Levator ani syndromeとF2a2. Unspecified functional anorectal painに分ける. F2a. は慢性・再発性の痛みで, F2a1. Levator ani syndromeでは肛門挙筋の牽引で疼痛を訴える. しかし私の症例では, 該当は4/116例で, この定義に疑問がある.F2b. Proctalgia fugaxは短い痛みで, 原因は不明だが, 私の症例ではよく診ると仙骨神経に沿って圧痛ある硬結を触れる. 効果ある治療法も無いとあるが, 私は神経ブロックで治癒せしめている.F3. Functional defecation disordersはF3a. Dyssynergic defecationとF3b. Inadequate defecatory propulsionに分ける. 前者は骨盤底筋の奇異性収縮か不十分な弛緩, 後者は押出す力が不十分で, 治療はF3aにBF, F3bに排便促進療法が有効である.
In newly published Rome III, Functional anorectal disorders are divided into 7 disorders. F1 Functional fecal incontinence is divided into staining, soiling, seepage and leakage in the degree and urge and passive incontinences in the dynamics, of which the former is dysfunction of the rectum and the latter of the anus. For the treatment, the most effective is biofeedback therapy (BF). F2 Functional anorectal pain is divided into F2a Chronic proctalgia, F2a1 Levator ani syndrome, F2a2 Unspecified functional anorectal pain and F2b Proctalgia fugax. F2a1 Levator ani syndrome is defined as a pain caused by traction of the levator ani, but in my experience, only 4 (3.5%) among 116 cases accorded to the criteria making us dubious of the definition. As for F2b Proctalgia fugax, the cause has not yet been found. In these two F2a, various treatments are tried without significant effectiveness due perhaps to the unknown pathogenesis which I assume to be the neuralgia of pudendal nerve. F3 Functional defecation disorders consist of F3a Dyssynergic defecation and F3b Inadequate defecatory propulsion of which, the former is caused by paradoxical contraction or inadequate relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles and the latter caused by inadequate propulsive force in defecation. Their treatments are BF and defecatory enforcement.
多汗症バイオフィードバック療法の基礎研究 : 特に手掌温度バイオフィードバックと漢方方剤の併用療法の有効性について A basic study of biofeedback treatment for hidrosis : A case of a new combination method using palm thermal biofeedback and oriental medicine
福本 一朗 FUKUMOTO Ichiro 長岡技術科学大学工学部医用生体工学教室 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology 山田 暢一 長岡技術科学大学工学部医用生体工学教室 松本 義伸 長岡技術科学大学工学部医用生体工学教室 川瀬 康裕 川瀬神経内科クリニック
被引用文献: 1件
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A hyperhidrosis patient is studied by measuring and analyzing her sweating using photonic hidrometer, which shows that the disease is classified as a type of disorder in the autonomic nervous system. A new combination method of palm thermal biofeedback (BF) and oriental medicine is tried for her hidrosis treatment with good effects. Although the BF instruction to the patient is to make more than 2-degree temperature difference between the palms one after another, the actual temperature changes steadily becomes smaller during the whole BF training. It is observed that the temperature rises accordingly on the days with occasionally excess sweating.
太極拳式呼吸の遂行に伴う脳波と自律神経機能指標の変化 Variation of autonomic nervous function index by TaiJiQuan breathing method
王 国譜 WANG Guopu 奈良女子大学大学院 Graduate School of Human Culture (Doctoral Course), Nara Women's University 王 文超 WANG Wenchao 奈良県立医科大学大学院 Nara Medical University, Graduate School 佐久間 春夫 SAKUMA Haruo 奈良女子大学文学部 Nara Women's University, Faculty of Letters, Human Behavioral Sciences
被引用文献: 1件
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本研究では,健康づくりに太極拳を取り入れている健常者を対象に,太極拳式呼吸法の遂行に件う精神生理学的応答について検討を行った.被験者(年齢57±4.4歳,継続年数5.6±2.3年)は,太極拳を継続している者であった.安静時,太極拳式呼吸時,終了後30分時の各時間条件での状態不安,心拍,血圧,脳波を測定した. 安静時条件に比べ以下の結果が得られた,(1)太極拳式呼吸を実施した直後及び終了後30分に状態不安の有意な低下,(2)太極拳式呼吸時及び終了後30分時の心拍数の有意な低下,心拍変動のCVRRとHF/LF≧1の出現頻度にも有意な増加,(3)血圧の低下傾向,(4)条仲間には脳波の含有率の有意な差が見られなかったが,脳波帯域別に有意な差が認められ,α1帯域がβ2帯域より,α2帯域がθ帯域及びβ2帯域より有意に多かった. 以上のことから,太極拳式呼吸の実施により,状態不安が低下し自律神経系の側面からも心理的ストレスが減少することが示された.また,太極拳の継読者は,太極拳の習得および修得により太極拳式呼吸が日常生活においても習慣化されていることによって,α1帯域及びα2帯域の出現率が優位であったと考えられる.従って,これらの結果は,身体運動を伴わない太極拳式呼吸のみ実施しても,心身の健康を向上させる効果のあることが示唆されたものと考えられ,太極拳式呼吸法の活用の有益さを示すものと期待される.
The effects of TaiJiQuan breathing on Electroencephalogram(EEG), state anxiety and heart rate were investigated. Subjects were 57±4.4 years old and had 4.6±2.3 years experience of TaiJiQuan exercise on average. The level of state anxiety, heart rate, blood pressure and EEG were measured in sedative condition, just after TaiJiQuan breathing, and 30 minutes after the breathing respectively. The results were summarized as follows. I) The level of state anxiety just after the breathing was significantly lower than in the sedative condition. II) The heart rate just after the TaiJiQuan breathing was significantly lower than in the sedative condition. The frequency of heart rate CVRR and HF/LF>1 was significantly increased just after the breathing. III) The blood pressure in systolic and diastolic period was mostly constant during the experiments. IV) The EEG during sedative condition, just after the breathing and 30miniutes after the breathing did not show any significant differences. However, the α1% component was more frequently than β2% component and α2% component was more frequently than θ% component and β2% component significantly. That TaiJiQuan breathing had an effect of decreasing state anxiety and relieving psychological stress. Moreover, the subjects with continuous exercise of TaiJiQuan breathing were presumed to have a good habit of daily breathing and α1 and α2component are more dominant in their EEG. Therefore TaiJiQuan breathing without any physical movements had good enough effects on our mental health improvement and that this breathing was expected to be applied to a patient with a restriction in their physical movement.
イメージとバイオフィードバック(シンポジウム こころへのはたらきかけとしてのバイオフィードバック-個人に合ったバイオフィードバックとは-) Imagery and biofeedback(Symposium “Well-tailored Biofeedback”)
廣田 昭久 Hirota Akihisa 科学警察研究所情報科学第一研究室 First Information Science Section, National Research Institute of Police Science
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Many studies showed that mental imagery can induce some kind of physiological response. The physiological responses vary according to the content of imagery. In biofeedback training, subjects often use mental imagery as a cognitive strategy. According to physiological responses which a subject wants to regulate, the subject intuitively decides an imagery which may induce the target responses. The development of training depends on it that the subject will adopt an effective imagery. If a list of imagery including various contents is constructed and the trainer chooses the best imagery for the desired responses and provides it to the trainee, the effects of training will be achieved in a short period of time. The management of imagery used in biofeedback training will enhance the merit of biofeedback.
表面筋電図を用いた筋パフォーマンスの評価指標とその経年変化 Propositions of evaluating indices of muscle performances detected by using surface electromyography and the aging
高田 宗樹 TAKADA Hiroki 岐阜医療科学大学 塩沢 友規 SHIOZAWA Tomoki 日本大学 高田 真澄 [他] TAKADA Masumi 名古屋大学 宮尾 克 MIYAO Masaru 名古屋大学 川崎 仁志 KAWASAKI Hitoshi 青山学院大学
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岐阜医療科学大学紀要 [巻号一覧]
岐阜医療科学大学紀要 1, 91-95, 2007-00-00 [この号の目次]
4 慢性疼痛患者の心療内科的治療(第616回新潟医学会,ペインクリニックの現状と問題点) 4 Psychosomatic Therapy for Chronic Pain(Chronic Pain Management-Current Status and Problems in Niigata Prefecture-)
藤村 健夫 FUJIMURA Takeo 新潟大学医歯学総合病院第二内科 Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences 清水 夏恵 SHIMIZU Natsue 新潟大学医歯学総合病院第二内科 Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences 村上 修一 [他] MURAKAMI Shuichi 新潟大学医歯学総合病院第二内科 Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences 真島 一郎 MASHIMA Ichiro 新潟大学医歯学総合病院第二内科 Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences 下条 文武 GEJYO Fumitake 新潟大学医歯学総合病院第二内科 Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences 江部 佑輔 EBE Yusuke 新潟県立加茂病院 Niigata Prefectural Kamo Hospital 齋藤 功 SAITO Isao 三条総合病院 Sanjou Sougou Hospital 片桐 敦子 KATAGIRI Atsuko 片桐医院 Katagiri Clinic 村松 芳幸 MURAMATSU Yoshiyuki 新潟大学医学部保健学科 School of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
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We report the case of a prostate cancer patient with bone metastases. A 66-year-old man came to our hospital with a complain of systemic chronic pain of unknown origin that might be caused by psychological factors. As a result, he was referred to the department of psychosomatic medicine. However, detailed examination led his pain to be of physical nature caused by the patient’s cancer. Therefore, as physicians we should not disregard the pain of patients as psychological, but instead should give them a comprehensive systemic examination to exclude psychosomatic disease. This report strongly indicates that pain of unknown origin is not necessarily due to psychosomatic disease or psychiatric disease.
3. 呼吸セルフコントロールに関する経験的知識の分析 : 呼吸療法,東洋的呼吸法との比較(一般発表,第33回 日本バイオフィードバック学会学術総会抄録集)
吉田 亮太 福井大学大学院教育学研究科:福井赤十字病院ストレス心療科 寺井 堅祐 金沢大学大学院社会環境科学研究科:福井赤十字病院ストレス心療科 梅沢 章男 福井大学教育地域科学部
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 33, 62, 2006-08-25 [この号の目次]
バイオフィードバック療法を介し成功した疼痛性障害への心理的アプローチ A psychological evaluation using biofeedback therapy for pain disorder
山田 宇以 Yamada Ui 東邦大学医学部心身医学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 安達 明里 Adachi Akari 東邦大学医学部心身医学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 渡部 博之 Watabe Hiroyuki 東邦大学医学部心身医学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 端詰 勝敬 Hashizume Masahiro 東邦大学医学部心身医学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University 坪井 康次 Tsuboi Koji 東邦大学医学部心身医学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Toho University
被引用文献: 1件
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Patients of pain disorder often easily adhere to physical symptoms, making psychosocial assessment and intervention difficult. We report a case of pain disorder which use of biofeedback therapy was helpful in evaluation of psychosocial aspects. The case was a 42 year old female. After pinching her left hand finger in a window frame, pain in her hand persisted, while spreading to the whole left upper limb. Although several orthopedists tried medical treatment, the pain did not improve. An anesthesiologist performed stellate ganglion blocking which cleared the pain, but after treatment, the patient complained of paralysis in the upper limbs and loss of consciousness. These symptoms appeared even when saline solution was used, and the paralysis could not be explained neurologically. The physicians suggested psychiatric help, but the patient refused, denying any existence of psychological factors. Since there, this patient consulted several hospitals, and was diagnosed with reflex sympathetic dystrophy at one hospital. She then consulted our department requesting biofeedback therapy. We began biofeedback therapy using electromyograms and autogenic training, while simultaneously performing outpatient treatment biweekly. The patient became aware that biofeedback therapy was effective, and became enthusiastic in participating in treatment. She also began to understand that mental anxiety had influence on her symptoms. In the beginning of treatment, this patient continued to deny any psychological stress and focused only to physical symptoms, but as the treatment progressed, she began to speak of her family problems during biofeedback therapy. In this case, biofeedback therapy was not only useful in encouraging the patient to actively manage the pain and to notice mind-body correlation, but was also meaningful for our understanding of the patient’s psychosocial aspects.
学校教育におけるバイオフィードバックの利用可能性を探る(シンポジウム(2)「バイオフィードバックの新たな可能性」) Biofeedback-based Stress Management in a School Setting(Symposium(2)「The possibility of the biofeedback to be new」)
梅沢 章男 Umezawa Akio 福井大学教育地域科学部 Faculty of Education and Regional Studies, University of Fukui
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Recently, Japanese teachers have been aware of the need for education on stress management and have developed classroom programs for children. Although biofeedback-assisted relaxation has the great advantage of providing a real-time quantitative measure of performance in comparison with other relaxation techniques, few studies have examined biofeedback-based stress management in an educational setting in Japan. Therefore, this article discusses strategies for bringing biofeedback into the classroom, and focuses on teaching breathing relaxation to children, using respiratory biofeedback. According to a task force of the Japanese Society of Biofeedback Research, the following are needed to realize biofeedback-based stress management in a school setting: (1) the development of educational biofeedback equipment that children can handle easily, (2) the development of teaching programs for children using biofeedback, (3) workshops on biofeedback methods for teachers, and (4) collaborative studies with a school on the educational use of biofeedback.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 32, 37-43, 2006-04-28 [この号の目次]
臨床精神生理学の可能性 : 研究から実践への架け橋(シンポジウム(2)「バイオフィードバックの新たな可能性」) Clinical Psychophisiology : a Bridge between Research and Practice(Symposium(2)「The possibility of the biofeedback to be new」)
竹林 直紀 Takebayashi Naoki ナチュラル心療内科クリニック Natural Clinic for Mind-Body-Spirit 神原 憲治 Kanbara Kenji 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine, Kansai Medical University 三谷 有子 Mitani Yuko 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine, Kansai Medical University 中井 吉英 Nakai Yoshihide 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine, Kansai Medical University
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Clinical application of biofeedback can be attained within the framework based on biopsychosocial model. Basic research of biofeedback has been studied in the controlled conditions. These studies are conducted by the scientific method based on biomedical model. However, health and illness are influenced by psychosocial factors. In reality, all therapy, whether conventional or alternative, is holistic in the sense that whole person always responds. Biofeedback as behavioral medicine is a multimodal approach in which the treatment protocol is tailored to the individual needs of patient, self-responsibility is encouraged, and a successful outcome depends on the patient’s use of self-regulation skills and strategies. In recent years, biofeedback was categorized one of the mind-body therapies as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Historically, it was difficult to accept biofeedback as conventional medicine. However, biofeedback as CAM will be accepted for a different domain into the community of conventional medicine. In Japan, we don’t have any educational system and adequate biofeedback instrument for clinical psychophysiology. It is important how the new medical system which can use biofeedback effectively can be proposed and put into practice.
EBMの立場からみたバイオフィードバック療法の現状と課題(シンポジウム(2)「バイオフィードバックの新たな可能性」) From perspectives of evidence-based medicine(Symposium(2)「The possibility of the biofeedback to be new」)
中尾 睦宏 Nakao Mutsuhiro 帝京大学医学部衛生学公衆衛生学・心療内科 Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Teikyo University School of Medicine
被引用文献: 2件
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According to the database of MEDLINE, the number of published English paper on biofeedback decreased during 1980’s and 1990’s, but it has been increasing since 2000. To validate the effectiveness of biofeedback treatment, it is important to show evidence of biofeedback treatment on medical conditions explicitly from the perspectives of evidence-based medicine. For example, recent technical improvements in blood pressure monitoring and data processing make biofeedback more reliable and comfortable to apply for the treatment of hypertension. Thus a meta-analysis was conducted to examine treatment effects of biofeedback on lowering blood pressure of essential hypertension in the present study. A total of 22 randomized controlled studies with 905 essential hypertensive patients were selected for review. When biofeedback intervention was compared with sham or non-specific behavioral control intervention, the net reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressures were 3.9 [95% confident interval, -0.3 to 8.2] and 3.5 [-0.1, 7.0] mmHg, respectively. Compared with clinical visits or self-monitoring of blood pressure (non-intervention control), the degrees of reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly greater in the biofeedback intervention by 7.3 [2.6, 12.0] and 5.8 [2.9, 8.6] mmHg, respectively. When biofeedback intervention types were classified into the simple biofeedback group and relaxation-assisted biofeedback group, only the relaxation-assisted biofeedback group showed significant decreases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures, compared with sham or non-specific behavioral control trials (P<0.05). The results suggested that biofeedback was superior to sham or non-specific behavioral intervention when combined with other relaxation therapies in essential hypertension, whereas biofeedback alone was more effective in reducing blood pressure than no intervention control. At the present stage, it is still inconclusive that biofeedback itself has anti-hypertensive effect beyond the placebo effect or “remembered wellness”. Future studies are needed to clarify the specific psychological and physiological mechanisms of biofeedback treatment.
バイオフィードバック訓練による末梢皮膚温度のコントロール能力に影響を及ぼす個人特性について : 心理学的指標と生理学的指標を用いて(平成18年度心理科学研究科修士学位論文要旨)
田中 麻貴 北海道医療大学心理科学部
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北海道医療大学心理科学部研究紀要 : J Psychol Sci [巻号一覧]
北海道医療大学心理科学部研究紀要 : J Psychol Sci 2, 153, 2006-00-00 [この号の目次]
心療内科外来におけるStretching and Active Biofeedbackの効果 The Effect of Stretching and Active Biofeedback in Psychosomatic Medicine
三谷 有子 Mitani Yuko 関西医科大学心療内科学講座 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University 神原 憲治 Kanbara Kenji 福永 幹彦 [他] Fukunaga Mikihiko 石野 振一郎 Ishino Shinichiro 竹林 直紀 Takebayashi Naoki 中井 吉英 Nakai Yoshihide
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これまで心療内科領域では, バイオフィードバック(BF)治療が施行されてきた.当科BF外来では, BFを従来までのオペラント的な治療のみならず, 認知や気づきに主眼をおいた治療法との併用による治療を試みてきた.今回, BF外来受診の患者に対しStretching and Active Biofeedback (SABF)を施行した.SABFは(1)さまざまな動作から緊張, 弛緩部位に気づく過程, (2)緊張部位をほぐし弛緩した感覚を覚える過程, (3)日常生活の中で習慣化する過程から構成されており, 呼吸法, 筋緊張の左右バランスを意識したストレッチにより筋緊張・弛緩の自覚を促し, 効果を客観的にBFで確認することから, 患者の心身相関への気づきを促す方法である.今回, SABFによる自覚的体調評価の改善が症状の軽快へつながった2症例について報告する.軽快には, SABFによる(1)身体感覚の気づきが促されたこと, (2)成功体験により自信がついたことが寄与した可能性が考えられた.
Various methods of body-to-mind approaches, including biofeedback (BF), have been applied in psychosomatic medicine. We had been practicing BF at the BF section of our department, where we tried to focus on an awareness of bodily feelings, cognitive aspects and the combination methods. Especially we tried to practice “Stretching and Active Biofeedback (SABF)”, combined methods with BF and stretching. In the stretching, smooth breathing and adjusting body asymmetries are emphasized. In SABF, there are 3 processes; 1) to notice a tense or relaxed region through muscular stretching and relaxation, 2) to train and learn changes in the bodily sensation through muscular stretching and relaxation, 3) to apply the SABF session to a home training in daily life. Through the processes, patients confirm effects of stretching by BF, come to be aware of their physical conditions, and are accelerated to awake mind-body correlations. We showed 2 case reports and made discussions. As for the first case, a 32-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of headache, dizziness and giddiness. At first, EMG levels on buccinator were high muscle range in rest term and she could realize the muscle strain. Following on SABF, She realized muscular relaxation, after then EMG levels got lower. SABF prompted the patient’s awareness of mind-body correlation. In the second case, a 37-year-old woman was admitted because of bend neck to the left. At first, EMG levels on trapezius were high range in rest term, but she couldn’t realize muscular strain and relax. Following on SABF, she realized muscular strain and relaxation, after then EMG levels got lower. SABF prompted the patient’s awareness of mind-body correlation. At last it makes her confident by success experience with stretch and extended the amount of activities of daily life. These cases suggest that the process in SABF makes patients realize and confirm muscle strain and relaxation. SABF makes patients aware of mind-body correlation and confidence. We can use the result obtained in this study as it is for the evaluation of condition support.
11. Webによる心身行動フィードバックシステムの開発(第32回日本バイオフィードバック学会学術総会抄録集)
長野 祐一郎 早稲田大学医療行動科学研究所:広島大学大学院教育学研究科 中村 菜々子 附属心理臨床教育研究センター 久賀 佐和子 早稲田大学大学院人間科学研究科 井澤 修平 早稲田大学大学院人間科学研究科 山田クリス 孝介 日本大学大学院理工学研究科 手塚 洋介 同志社大学文学研究科 児玉 昌久 早稲田大学人間科学部
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バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 31, 40, 2005-09-30 [この号の目次]
呼吸を介した癒しシステム”The Mind Wave”の開発と評価 Development and Assessment of a Healing System “The Mind Wave” mediated by Respiration
青山 泰史 Aoyama Yasufumi 大阪工業大学情報科学部 Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology 井上 裕美子 Inoue Yumiko 大阪工業大学情報科学部 Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology 橋本 渉 Hashimoto Wataru 大阪工業大学情報科学部 Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology 大須賀 美恵子 Ohsuga Mieko 大阪工業大学情報科学部 Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology
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本論文では, 使用者の呼吸を入力として用いることを特徴とし, 癒し(リラクゼーション)を目的とした新しいコンセプトのバーチャルリアリティシステム「Mind Wave」について述べる.立体映像, 音, 風, およびいすの動きにより, 海の波に乗っているかのように感覚を使用者に与える.すべての要素が使用者の呼吸で制御されている.使用者は, 自分の呼吸を視覚・聴覚・触覚で感じることができる.これによって, 意識することなく自然に深くゆったりとした呼吸へと誘導されることが期待される.12名の若年健常者を被験者に用いて評価実験を実施した.本システム使用(VR)条件と, 教示のみによる呼吸統制条件とを比較して, システムの有効性を検討した.その結果, システム利用により, 目的とした深くゆったりとした呼吸が実現されたが, 完全に無意識にというわけにはいかず, 多少の努力を必要とした.主観評価と, 平均心拍数, 心拍変動成分やEEGのアルファ帯域などの生理指標において, リラクゼーション効果が確認できた.
This paper describes a new concept virtual reality system named “The Mind Wave” which provides a healing or relaxation method mediated by respiration. It gives a feeling as if the user is surfing gently on the sea waves by 3D moving images, sounds, a breeze and the movement of a chair. All devices are controlled by respiration of the user. He/she can feel his/her own breath by visual, auditory and sensory inputs and a deep, slow breathing is expected to be induced without consciousness. Twelve healthy young adults participated in an experiment to assess the effectiveness of the developed system compared to the respiration control with an instruction. It was shown that the system can induce the aimed respiration but it requires some effort. The relaxation effects were confirmed not only by subjective ratings but also physiological measures such as heart rate, heart rate variability and EEG alpha component.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 31, 27-34, 2005-09-30 [この号の目次]
イメージ想起に付随する脳神経活動のfMRIによる検討 An fMRI Study on Neural Activities relating to Mental Imagery
西村 千秋 Nishimura Chiaki 東邦大学医学部医学情報学研究室 Department of Medical Informatics, Toho University School of Medicine 長瀬 有紀 Nagase Aki 東邦大学医学部医学情報学研究室 Department of Medical Informatics, Toho University School of Medicine 寺田 和子 Terada Kazuko 東邦大学医学部医学情報学研究室 Department of Medical Informatics, Toho University School of Medicine 王 力群 Wang Li Qun 東京電機大学先端工学研究所 Research Center for Advanced Technologies, Tokyo Denki University
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バイオフィードバック訓練過程において, 訓練目標につながるイメージを併用する方が効果的であることが知られている.本研究では, 自己に密接に関係した出来事や事柄の記憶である自伝的記憶におけるイメージ想起時の神経活動を測定することにより, イメージと脳神経活動との関連を調べた.具体的には, fMRI装置により脳の局所血流量(rCBF)を測定した.被験者のタスクは, 視覚的に提示された短い文章(自己の自伝的記憶あるいは他者の記憶を表現した文章)を読み, 声を出すことなくその状況をイメージとして思い浮かべることである.fMRI測定はブロックデザインにより行った.実験Iでは, 自伝的記憶と非自伝的記憶(他者の記憶)の想起の違いを3個の条件について調べた.実験IIでは, 自伝的記憶の内容が自己にとって肯定的か否定的か, および時間的には古い記憶か新しい記憶かにしたがって4通りの条件で測定を行った.実験Iの結果, 自伝的記憶と非自伝的記憶の想起において, rCBF増加部位にそれほど違いはないものの, 自伝的記憶の場合の方が活動面積が広いことが示された.また, 両者を直接対比させると, 自伝的記憶の場合に特異的に前頭前野の活動が見られた.実験IIの結果, 視覚野および前頭野を除き活動部位は各条件で異なるものの, その活動面積で比較をすると, 新しく否定的<新しく肯定的<古く否定的<古く肯定的, という大小関係となった.以上の結果を総合すると, 自伝的記憶は, それが安定性であることおよび前頭前野での神経活動を伴うことから, バイオフィードバックにおけるイメージの基として適切であることが示唆される.さらに, 本研究の結果は, バイオフィードバック訓練において自伝的記憶からイメージ材料を選ぶ上で, 記憶の古さや付随する感情などの属性が手がかりとなることも示している.
Performance of biofeedback is improved when an appropriate imagery is applied in the training process. In this paper, neural correlates of imagery were studied by measuring neurophysiological activities in imagery related to autobiographical memory, a memory for events and issues closely related to oneself. We measured changes in relative regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using fMRI. Each subject was requested to read a brief sentence in which an episode in his/her own past or that of other person was described, then to silently make an image of the situation in his/her mind. The block-designed fMRI measurement was performed. In Experiment I, rCBF during autobiographical and nonautobiographical memory retrieval was compared in three conditions. In Experiment II, the contents of the episodes were subdivided into four conditions depend on emotional tone (positive/negative) and temporal remoteness (recent/remote). The results of the Experiment I show that the activated regions in autobiographical memory retrieval was almost the same as those in nonautobiograpghical memory retrieval, but area was larger in autobiographical memory retrieval. And relative rCBF specifically increased in the frontal association area. The results of the Experiment II show that, except visual and prefrontal cortices, activated regions were different when the subjects retrieved the memories with differential emotional tone and temporal remoteness. In comparing areas in the four conditions, they were arranged as follows : negative-recent < positive-recent < negative-remote < positive-remote. Those results suggest the advantage of autobiographical memory as a resource of imagery in biofeedback training because of its stability and its effect on neural activation in the prefrontal cortex. They also give a clue in selecting the kind of imagery in biofeedback training based on the autobiographical memory in terms of emotional tone and temporal remoteness.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 31, 19-26, 2005-09-30 [この号の目次]
圧バイオフィードバック装置と超音波診療装置を用いた腹横筋の機能評価 The functional evaluation of the transeversus abdominis muscle through the ultrasonic diagnostic imaging equipment and the pressure bio-feedback equipment
樋口 善英 HIGUCHI Yoshihide 国際医療福祉大学大学院 医療福祉学研究科 Physical Therapy Section, Health Science Program,Health and Welfare Science Course, Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare 齋藤 昭彦 SAITO Akihiko 国際医療福祉大学 保健学部 理学療法学科 Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Science, International University of Health and Welfare 新井 正一 ARAI Shoich 国際医療福祉大学 保健学部 放射線・情報科学科 Depatment of Radiological Sciences. School of Health Science, International University of Health and Welfare
CiNii 論文PDF - オープンアクセス 医中誌 Web NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
It is pointed out that the transeversus abdominis muscle plays an inportant roles for the stabilization. Becouse transversus abdominis muscle lies in the deeper part of the body, it is difficult to do the objective physical examination. The purpose of this study was to try the functional evaluation of the transeversus abdominis muscle through the ultrasonic diagnostic imaging equipment and the pressure bio-feedback equipment in order to get the basic knowledge for the clinical application. Based on these results, the possibility to be able to evaluate the function of the transeversus abdominis muscle using ultrasonic diagnostic imaging equipment and pressure bio-feedback equipment.
国際医療福祉大学紀要 [巻号一覧]
国際医療福祉大学紀要 10(2), 18-23, 2005-07-31 [この号の目次]
高野 正博 TAKANO Masahiro 大腸肛門病センター高野病院
被引用文献: 2件
J-STAGE 医中誌 Web CrossRef NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
There have been patients with vague, chronic intrapelvic pain called coccygeal, sacrococcygeal, sacral pain etc.. Minute intrarectal digital examination of those patients often reaveals tender induration(s) along the pudendal nerve. All the more, accumulation of the data of the patients shows they have symptom complex of pain, incontinence, difficult evacuation of the stool and also such abdominal symptoms as pain and fullness. Laboratory and roentgenological examinations of the sensory and motility functions of the anus, rectum and colon revealed dysfunctins of the 3 organs caused by disturbanse of the pudendal nerve and pelvic splanchnic nerve plexus, both of which originated from S2, S3, S4 nerve plexus. The 4 symptoms comprising the syndrome are named “Sacral nerve neuropathy syndrome” and are often accompanied disorders of lumbar spine. Further investigation is needed.
日本腰痛学会雑誌 11(1), 186-192, 2005
フィードバックの機能と概念について Function and Concept about Feedback
瀬島 順一郎 Sejima Junichiro 大阪産業大学 Osaka Sangyo University
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック療法の創成期の基礎研究には自律反応のオペラント条件づけの研究があり,自発的自律反応に対して強化を与えることにより当該自律反応の生起頻度を変化させることができるかというものであった.バイオフィードバックは本来Skinner, B. F.の創始した行動分析と密接に関係したものである.強化という操作的に定義された概念をはなれ,フィードバックの機能と概念に着目すると,様々な分野でそれが援用されている.本稿では,行動分析における強化随伴性,交流分析のストローク,そしてBateson, G.の認識論におけるフィードバック・ループをとりあげ,それらの機能と概念の相違を考察した.その結果フィードバックはそれぞれの分野において重要な概念として位置づけられているものの,客観的情報としてのフィードバックと,それを個体がどのように受け止め,どのような結果を生じさせるのかという問題にたいする観点が異なっている.抽象化された概念あるいは情報と具体的な行動が生じている状況とは論理階型が異なっており,混同して論じてはならない問題であることがベイトソンによって示されている.フィードバックは行動変容に係わる研究にはなくてはならない機能をもっていると同時に認識論の理論的基礎を提供するものである.
In the beginning of basic study in Biofeedback therapy, many studies about operant conditioning of autonomic response were emerged from learning psychology. Biofeedback technique has been established in three decade, but essentially it was derived from Skinner’s operant conditioning. So it means that reinforcement as an operational defined term includes feedback. In this paper, function and concept in three different types of feedback are considered that is contingencies of reinforcement in Behavior Analysis, stroke in Transactional Analysis and Bateson’s epistemology. As a result, function of feedback is considered as an important factor that contributes to behavior change in each field. Concept of feedback must be considered to divide into two phase, one is static and objective information of feedback, the other one is dynamic estimation process in unity. Bateson indicates that we must think part abstract conception from concrete facts of behavior, because they belong to different logical type. Function and concept of feedback are very important for study of behavior change, at the same time it provides theoretical basis to epistemology.
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 30, 1-6, 2004-10-30 [この号の目次]
「耳鳴と聴覚過敏の患者に対する耳鳴再訓練療法(tinnitus retraining therapy;TRT)」
矢野 純 日本赤十字社医療センター耳鼻咽喉科
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
耳鳴は全人口の15〜20%にみられる症状であるが, 耳鳴を苦にして治療を求める人は少数である. 耳鳴のもたらす苦痛, 睡眠障害, 情緒的反応, 職業や日常生活への影響などは, 患者により異なる. 耳鳴を訴える患者の多くは難聴を伴うが, 20%は正常聴力である. 耳鳴を測定すると, それぞれの聞こえの域値上, 5〜15dB程度の大きさにすぎない. 多くの人は耳鳴をかすかな, 注意を向けるに値しない音として認知するが, 耳鳴に悩む人には大きな不快な音として聞こえるのである. 耳鳴には, カウンセリング, 抗うつ薬, 抗てんかん薬, 抗不安薬, 局所麻酔薬, 血管拡張薬などの薬物や手術, マスキング法, 心理療法, バイオフィードバック, 針治療, 高気圧酸素室, 側頭下顎関節の治療などが行われているが, 満足できる結果が得られていない. 耳鳴再訓練療法(tinnitus retraining therapy;TRT)は1980年代に提唱され, 1990年に最初の報告がなされた. 耳鳴の神経生理学的モデルに基づいて, 耳鳴の知覚と耳鳴への反応に慣れを誘導し維持しようとする方法であり, 慣れは聴覚系と大脳辺縁系, および自律神経系を結ぶ神経の連絡の変容の結果として得られる. 耳鳴の神経生理学的モデルから, 治療に重要な点を挙げると以下のようになる. (1)耳鳴の患者では, 聴覚系に加えて大脳辺縁系と自律神経系が耳鳴に関連した, および音響に誘発された活動に関与している, (2)自律神経系の交感神経系の過剰活動の維持が耳鳴に誘発された行動に関与している, (3)脳のさまざまな系の間の機能的な結合は, 条件反射の原則でつくられる, (4)これらの条件反射に慣れをつくることで耳鳴による行動へのネガティブな影響を除くことができる. TRTはカウンセリングとTCI(補聴器と同じような形の音響発生装置)の装用の2つからなる. カウンセリングでは, 耳鳴の理解(情報の提供), 心理面のサポート, リラクセーション法の指導, TCIの装用の指導を行う. 重要な, 注意に値する音として認知されてしまう耳鳴に心地よいかすかな音を併用することで, 耳鳴を無害な, 注意するに値しない音としての認知に変えてしまうことが目標となる. すなわち, TRTは耳鳴を止める治療ではなく耳鳴に慣れて気にしなくなる治療である. TCIは持続的に心地よい音を鳴らし続ける装置で, 耳掛型の補聴器の形をしている. 音量の設定は, 周囲の環境音と耳鳴がわずかに聞こえる程度に設定する. 1日6〜8時間装用して効果が明らかになるには6ヵ月, 継続的な改善が得られるまでには, 12ヵ月が必要である. 80%の患者で改善が得られた. 改善の得られた例では, 過去12年間, 再発はみられていない. 結論としては, (1)TRTはあらゆるタイプの耳鳴と聴覚過敏に適用できる治療で80%に有効である, (2)TRTは聴覚過敏に治癒をもたらす可能性がある, (3)TRTは頻回の通院が不要で副作用もない, (4)効果が得られるには治療者のトレーニングが必要である.
心身医学 [巻号一覧]
心身医学 44(10), 797, 2004-10-01 [この号の目次]
7.舌骨上筋群の筋力増強 : Shaker法施行時に筋電図バイオフィードバックを利用し効果のあった1例(第13回日本リハビリテーション医学会中部・東海地方会)
横山 通夫 藤田保健衛生大リハ医学講座 武田 斉子 藤田保健衛生大リハ医学講座 長江 恩 藤田保健衛生大リハ医学講座 沢田 光思郎 藤田保健衛生大リハ医学講座 元橋 靖友 藤田保健衛生大リハ医学講座 内宮 洋一郎 藤田保健衛生大リハ医学講座 才藤 栄一 藤田保健衛生大リハ医学講座
CiNii 論文PDF - オープンアクセス 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 [巻号一覧]
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 41(1), 53-54, 2004-01-18 [この号の目次]
心拍HFの実時間抽出法とモニタリング装置への応用 Detection of High Frequency Component of Heart Rate Variability and Application to Monitoring System
神谷 紀彰 KAMIYA Noriaki 名古屋市立大学大学院システム自然科学研究科 Graduate School of Natural Sciences Nagoya City University 横山 清子 YOKOYAMA Kiyoko 名古屋市立大学大学院芸術工学研究科 Graduate School of Design and Architecture, Nagoya City University 丹羽 伸二 NIWA Shinji 名古屋市立大学大学院芸術工学研究科 Graduate School of Design and Architecture, Nagoya City University
参考文献: 7件
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
High frequency component of heart rate variability (HF) is used as index of parasympathetic nerve activity and relaxation. This study proposes the method of calculating HF continuously in real time. In this method, HF can be calculated with pattern analysis method using short time window. The characteristic of the method is quantitatively clarified with a computer simulation and measured data. And As application of the proposal method, the relaxation level monitoring system using CG images was designed. The proposed method was equivalent accuracy to auto regressive method, Fourier transform and Gabor transform. Moreover, HF during watching images displayed by prototype system is significant large than during rest without watching. Therefore, the effect that a system increases HF of heart rate variability was equivalent with relaxation video, and possibility of the application to a biofeedback system for relaxation level was suggested.
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス [巻号一覧]
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス 103(470), 29-33, 2003-11-20 [この号の目次]
森 佐和子 久留米大学大学院心理学研究科 国崎 千恵 久留米大学大学院心理学研究科 濱田 哲郎 久留米大学文学部心理学科
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 29, 50, 2003-06-14 [この号の目次]
下川 裕美 久留米大学大学院心理学研究科 濱田 哲郎 久留米大学文学部心理学科
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
バイオフィードバック研究 [巻号一覧]
バイオフィードバック研究 29, 44, 2003-06-14 [この号の目次]
白衣高血症におけるバイオフィールドバック療法の有効性の検討 Usefulness of EEG Biofeedback Therapy for White-coat Hypertension
飯田 俊穂 Iida Toshiho 相澤病院心身医療センター・心療内科:佐久総合病院内科・心療内科:昭和大学藤が丘病院循環器内科 Psychosomatic Therapy Center and Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Aizawa Hospital:Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Saku Central Hospital:Department of Cardiology, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital 熊谷 一宏 Kumagai Kazuhiro 相澤病院心身医療センター・心療内科:佐久総合病院内科・心療内科 Psychosomatic Therapy Aizawa Hospital:Saku Central Hospital 佐々木 尚子 [他] Sasaki Naoko 佐久総合病院臨床心理科 Department of Clinical Psychology, Saku Central Hospital 三木 郷子 Miki Satoko 佐久総合病院臨床心理科 Department of Clinical Psychology, Saku Central Hospital 小室 清子 Komuro Kiyoko 佐久総合病院臨床心理科 Department of Clinical Psychology, Saku Central Hospital 伊澤 敏 Izawa Satoshi 佐久総合病院精神科 Department of Psychiatry, Saku Central Hospital 長田 洋文 Osada Hirofumi 大船中央病院健康管理センター:昭和大学藤が丘病院循環器内科 Health Center, Ofuna Central Hospital:Department of Cardiology, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital
参考文献: 14件 被引用文献: 3件
CiNii 論文PDF - 定額アクセス可能 医中誌 Web NDL-OPAC - 国立国会図書館で本をさがす CiNii Books - 大学図書館でさがす
How to manage the white-coat hypertension (WHT) has been at issue in recent years, and there is no concord on how to treat it. In our previous study, we reported that EEG biofeedback therapy (BF therapy) is more useful in WHT patients under anxiety state than in patients of sustained hypertension. Hmvpver, it is not clear yet whether these favourable effects of BF therapy on WHT are due to the BF therapy itself or due to the other factors, such as the amendment of life style and what the real mechanism of the effect of BF therapy is, ln this study, therefore, clinical courses of WHT were followed for about 10 months and compard between 2 groups, one is WHT with BF therapy (n=29) and the other is WHT without Bftherapy (n=25). The results showed an improvement of blood pressure in out-patient clinic, a decrease of plasma noradrenaline levels and a rise in the α-wave appearance rate in patients with BF therapy, as compared to patients without BF therapy. And also improvements of mental state based on mental tests (Cornell Medical Index, State Trait Anxiety Inventory, Self-rating Depression Scale and Tokyo University Egogram) such as inadequacy, tension, state anxiety, depression, stressful state, were observed in natients with BF therapy. Lt was concluded, from these findings, that BF therapy is useful for WHT, probably through the improvement of mental state.
心身医学 [巻号一覧]
心身医学 43(6), 349-358, 2003-06-01 [この号の目次]